Chapter Ten

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*Lily's POV

I couldn't sleep. The tweet. His words. I can't believe him right now. I grabbed my phone off the side of the night table and went back onto twitter.

I had at least 35 000 000 more notifications, but I managed to find the tweet. Kind of because I searched his name. And it was the last tweet he posted. I re-read it over and over again.

"So excited to see my bae @LilyPatricksMakeup again! Love her to death.."

Harry tweeted that five hours ago and people are still going on about it. We aren't dating. We aren't even friends for fuck sakes.

Why did he need to cause this frenzy! People are going crazy and I'm just oh so lucky. Please note the fucking sarcasm.

Since I couldn't sleep and nothing was good on the telly, I decided to why not answer some of his fans' questions.

« @AlyssaLovesHarry : Is @Harry_Styles and @LilyPatricksMakeup dating? Did I miss something...?

@LilyPatricksMakeup : @AlyssaLovesHarry @Harry_Styles no we aren't. (: »

« @CrazyMofo4Ever : ew. @LilyPatricksMakeup is ugly as fuck. how could Harry date THAT.

@LilyPatricks : @CrazyMofo4Ever well no one asked you for your opinion on me. And we aren't dating. Get your facts straight. »

I was done. I read the a lot of the other tweets and the most recent ones were pretty much like the last I answered. Way to go Harry. Why not just bring my self-consciousness back.

I was actually living a nice, happy and successful life. Now with Harry tweeting those few words, he basically just fucked up everything.

*Harry's POV

She saw the tweet. I know she has. I see her name pop up twice in my notifications. Not to sound like a stalker or anything, but I have her push-notifications on. When she tweets, I get an alert.

After reading the two questions she answered, it was my turn to answer a few more questions.

« @Anna_Boo_Clark: are you two dating? @Harry_Styles @LilyPatricksMakeup »

@Harry_Styles: @Anna_Boo_Clark we aren't... yet ;) @LilyPatricksMakeup ❤

I know she'll most likely kill me, but hey. She's killed me once already...

I'm excited to see her again though. And not just so she can run away when she sees me. I'm going to plan an amazing date. She'll have no other choice than to go out with me. It will be... perfect.



Hey! Sorry this was short, the next ones are going to be longer and I'll really start working hard on writing once again.

. . . .

• Did Harry do the right thing?

• How do you think Liam will react?

• Will Lily react well to Harry asking her out?

• Can I add some drama? ;)

• ^ it's coming up... ;)

. . . .

Anyways thank you so much for reading!

ps.. I have a youtube channel if ya wanna check it out, my username is ixamxfabx .

Toodles :)

Emma xo

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