"You annoying, I swear,"I pushed him and started laughing. I heard a car door slam and I looked outside and another car was parked in the driveway. I gasped my heart started beating really fast. "K-ken..Kent-ton, wh-

"Calm down,"he grabbed me and looked me in my eyes. We started doing breathing exercises. I closed my eyes finally calm. "You'll be fine, I'm gone be right fucking here."

"Can we go sit down I'm the living room?"I asked. He nodded his head and followed me to the living room. Tony and my mother was sitting down. "Mommy..their here,"I whispered sitting next to her. She nodded her head and grabbed my hand.

"Get together Nikita. I raised you to understand that you need to have faith. God is in control on this one. He hasn't left you at all! And he won't leave you now, that's what I learned. You've made it this far, the devil ain't gone stop you now, hear me?"my mother preached. I nodded my head and a tear fell. I wiped it away quickly and said silent prayer to myself. I heard the front door open and my heart started to pound faster. I stood up shaking my head.

"I c-cant..don't make me do this,"I whispered crying.

"Momma we're home!"I heard Niko yell. I froze just hearing his voice. God I missed my little brother. My phone was in my hand and dropped it. I was in complete shock. I walked slowly over to the entrance and stood there. My brother was on his phone still having bags in his hands. I covered my mouth gasping. He looked up and when he seen me, he dropped the bags.

"Niko..."I said before walking over to him before giving him a big hug. He hugged me tightly. "I missed you so much."

"Kita, I'm so happy you're here,"he said. "Don't ever leave me again."

"I swear I won't. Where's daddy?"I asked letting him go. He pointed to the door and I looked up. My dad was walking in with a few bags, talking on the phone. I stepped out of Niko's view and took a few steps in my father's direction.

He didn't notice me. All I could do was stare because I didn't know what to say. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see my mom. She smiled and walked over to my father. "Baby, someone is here to see you,"my mother whispered to him. He nodded his head giving my mom a kiss on her forehead.

"Okay George, we'll just have  Dr. Keary pack the information about the Union....yes I will...Tomo-

My dad looked up and stopped talking on his phone. He looked at me, in complete shock. "Can I call you back later?"my dad asked on the phone. I don't even think he let the guy respond before hanging up. He walked towards me and the tears started coming down.

"Daddy wait before you say anything!-I'm sorry for l-leaving and not coming back soon enough! D-dad if you could just forgive me I-I I'm just so sorry,"I cried out and before I could findh he pulled me into a hug. I sobbed on his shoulder. "Oh daddy, I missed you,"I gave in.

After all the things he's done to me and my family, you can't help but to be used to it. He hurt our hearts so many times that I started to count on my imaginary feet. But through all of that, he's still been a great father. After my real father died, I realized it wasn't his fault. I was just hurt by his sudden death and couldn't help but blame him. My father always had my back and still does. I wish I knew what's going through his head when he's upset. So that we can work on our family. I love this man so much, and I would be lying if I said he didn't love me. I know he does, he just has a different way of showing it.

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