Hide and seek

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Killer P.O.V.

Games are my favorite things in the world. I never could play when I was little, I was always studying. Do this, do that, be a good child, put the knife down, don't hurt people- blah blah blah. All nonsense to me and just like any other child their words went in one ear and out the other. They hated my games or any kind of game, but I was in tranced with them. THEY being my parents were soon taught to like my games, they played until they died.

It's the thrill of the chase that makes the game Hide and Seek so fun. Them hiding and you not knowing where they are or if it will be able to escape. I once let someone escape just to see what would happen and like any boring thing it ran right to the police. I never got cuaght though and it got blown in a million pieces along with two deputies who joined in for the ride. I guess they couldn't handle the excitement.


I still remember the beautiful firework like sparks. The smell of burning rubber and flesh and how bored I was at the end. It wasn't long before I found new pieces in my games. I found this one in a bar alley smoking a joint and drinking a beer. It was hardly wary of me even though it should have. One point goes to me and it got nothing.

A loud clatter echoed in the rusted old toy factory and the tanned mans face turned into a crooked smile. His eyes would've looked to you like a demons would as his adrenaline induced eyes roamed the area from where the clatter came from. He made lots of noise as he walked up the stairs. CLACK CLACK CLACK. Then suddenly his noisy footsteps became quite. The blonde girl held her hand to her mouth as she hid in an old locker. She had accidentally knocked off a lock on a table and the steps frightened her. With her being high she was lost in her mind and thinking of things that probably weren't true or were they.

"Oh little toy" he said playfully "where are you?"

'Was this even real? Is this really happening? What do I do?' She thought to herself

The loud steps were gone and she decided to make a run for it. Whether it was the alcohol in her system or just plain bravery she ran out of the locker, down a long winding hallway through a set of double doors and down a flight of stairs. She was finally at the exit when she let out a sigh. Im free.The man though had another idea and as soon as she ran out of the factory she set off a trip wire and blood poored out of her arm. With no time to think or look at the wound she ran off into the night clutching her arm and the tanned man with a wild look followed her trail of blood like a hound.

This is the part I love about hide and seek. 1 point to me and 1 point to you.


Hey there Manovic here please comment and vote for my story if you like it. Tbh every time I go to write this I get overly into character and its like im actually in the book watching the whole thing go down. Scary. Tell me what you think and who you think the serial killer should look like..

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