Chapter 33 time for changes

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Zaire's POV

Its 2:31 am and I don't know what to do. Everyone's asleep while I'm up lurking around the castle. I guess I have a lot on my mind. How can Ana be mine?
I mean I know how it happened but we were careful. I guess its too late to figure out how. Ana's been born and I'm not leaving her. But what about Olithia? I can't let her live. But Ana needs her mom. I don't want to be the one to rip them apart. I could banish her....but she still wouldn't have a mom. I want to tell Cherise but how do I tell her I have a daughter?

"Having trouble sleeping?" Uncle Ryan said coming down the breezeway.
"Is it about Cherry knowing about Ana?"
Clenching my jaw I nodded. "Did you know she was pregnant?"

"No. When you left a few months later she disappeared. You need to tell her. I know its going to be scary but remember how that worked out last time. With you keeping that secret of having a fiance. There's only so much she'll take I don't care how many times you guys say I love you. She'll leave you if you keep hiding secrets from her."

My heart skips a beat. Just the very thought of her leaving scared me.

"OK." I'll tell her.
"Good she deserves the truth."
All of a sudden I hear screaming coming down the hallway near Cherise's room. We both take off in that direction. Running into the tan door I bust it open.
There in a pool of sweat and tears Cherry is crying. Uncle Ryan nods at me and leaves. Sitting at the edge of the bed I pull her into my lap.
"Babe are you alright?"
She shakes her head in my shoulder. "She was here. I saw her at the edge of my bed." 
"She's locked up downstairs she won't hurt you."
"Please I'm begging you please don't let her get me!"
"Cherise I will never let her touch you again." I rub my hand up and down her back holding her close as if she'd runaway. "Can you sleep with me tonight?" My heart drops at what she says.
"I won't be able to sleep without someone here. Can you Please stay here I don't want to be alone?"
"Yeah." I scoot next to her and she buries her head in my chest.
I rub her back and she slowly drifts to sleep. I close my eyes and got much needed sleep.

Cherry's POV
Waking up with Zaire not next to me was a bit depressing. But the smell of food felt better. I slip out the silk soft sheets and slip on some random slippers I find laying around the room. Zaire's castle is big and beautiful. The garden out in the front is way more beautiful then Mr. Remy's. The smell of delicious food is in the air. I follow the scent down the hallway into a wooden door. I push it open and there stands a short man with the craziest mustache. 

"Hello my lady." he says in an accent.
"Hi. Whats cooking?" I question.
"Are you hungry?"
"Yeah I haven't eaten in days."
"Well you can try this." he says taking a spoon full of whatever is in the pot.
I bend down trying to get a taste of it.
"It tastes pretty good but I feel like its missing something."
'Yes yes I feel that way too but I cannot put my finger on it."
"Do you mind if I try something?"
"Go ahead miss."
I take what looks like a hot pepper and cut up little pieces adding it to the pot. He starts stirring and tries it.
"How is it?" I ask with anticipation?
"Its delicious!"I try it and he's right its pretty good.
"Would you like to eat now?" He asks "Yes I'm starving."
He walks over to the cabinets and pulls out a bowl.  "What about you?" I ask. 

"What about me?"

"Aren't you hungry?"

"Yes but I must only eat my lunch I bring from home."

 "That's not fair. You should eat I won't tell."
"I don't think so but its fine."
"OK if you change your mind let me know cause I got you."

After I am done eating I notice how messy the place is. Little man is over here sweeping the floor so I will too.

"Let me help you." I say making my way over to the sink. "Thank you." he says.

"Whats your name?"


A tall tan woman comes in the door caring a basket of vegetables. As soon as her eyes land on me she drops all her stuff.
"Sebastian! Why is Cherise the special guest of Prince Zaire cleaning the kitchen?!"

He turns to me and bows his head.
"I am so sorry I did not greet you properly. I should not have let you help me clean. I truly am sorry."

"You're fine." I say trying to get him to lift his head. "I asked to help you. It would be rude of me to eat and leave."
"You fed her this Sebastian!?"
"I am so sorry my lady. Sebastian has been very rude to you. You should not have lifted a finger."
"Guys its fine. I don't mind and please just call me Cherise."
I make my way over to the lady and help her pick up the vegetables.
"Thank you miss."
"No problem." I said smiling.
Prince Zaire would like to see you by the way.
"Where is he?"
"In the garden miss."
"Thank you and please call me Cherise or Cherry."
"OK Cherise."

The garden is beautiful. Zaire sits on the bench and he looks hot as hell. He looks like a model. His suit is a nice fit and he looks off into the distance thinking about something.
"Hey." I chirp sitting next to him kissing his plump pink lips.
He kisses me back.
"Your castle is beautiful."
"I know. Do you want to walk?" He stands up and sticks his hand out.
He helps me up.

"Zaire is everything alright? You seem a little out of it."
"How are you?" He totally avoids my question.
"I'm fine. Now whats wrong with you?"
We stop in front of a fountain.
"Um Cherry there isn't an easy way to say this." My heart is literally skipping everywhere.
"Zaire?" I squeak
"I just found out yesterday I have a 2 year old daughter." I feel my heart stop and my world shatter. I didn't say anything just stand here.
"Cherise?" I just stand there taking it all in. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah I saw her with my very own eyes." I can feel tears coming down.

"Why are you crying?" the little girl from the other night comes out asking me the question. She's the same girl who showed me the vision of me dying when my friends came over. I guess it makes since now. She has the same gift as Zaire. The gift of visions.

"I didn't realize I was crying." I answer Ana.

"Cherry please say something."
"I don't know if I can do this anymore?" I say about ready to break down. "There are too many lies with you Zaire."
"We can still work Cherry. Please don't leave me." I can hear the fact he's trying not to cry.
"Zaire I won't judge you for having a child but I'm not ready for a responsibility like that. So no we can't. There is always something with you. I don't know if I can handle it anymore. I should have never fell in love with you. Everything about that screams dangerous everything screamed stupid and crazy. But I did because I couldn't stand to think of a world without you."

"Cherry please don't. I love you so much. I will never lie to you again."
"I don't trust you Zaire. I love you too but I'm sorry Zaire. Can you take me home. I don't think we can work anymore. This is the first time I've seen Zaire cry. And its heart breaking. "Please Cherise. he says burying his face in my shoulder.
I shake my head. "Zaire I can't anymore. I'll always love you but it just won't work." I wiggle out of his grasp. But he grabs my hand wrapping his arms around me from behind me.
"Zaire please you're making this hard."
"It doesn't have to be hard."
"If you love me then let me go."
"I can't just let my heart go though."
"You're going to have to Zaire. Please just take me home."
After a few minutes he nods his head I instantly appear in my room. The warmth I have just once felt is now gone. And it feels so cold.

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