The Pool

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   Blurry woke up alone, which wasn't unusual. But, he woke up to slivers of sunshine behind pretty curtains. He wasn't exactly used to a tidy, welcoming room.

   He and Cry Baby had two separate rooms, but they were connected by a door. Once he got dressed, he knocked, and she unexpectedly opened up immediately, a ready smile on her face.

   "Finally!" She cheered, "I was wondering when you'd be up."

   "What time is it?" Blurry inquired.

   "Oh..." Cry Baby looked over to the clock beside her bed. "Almost ten-thirty."

   "Oh. Wow, sorry."

   "No trouble. Who knew somebody could have a hangover because of cranberry juice?" She teased, and Blurry playfully shrugged.

   "So what should we do today?"

   "First, let's avoid the downtown scene in the evening." Cry Baby was joking, but Blurry still felt a chill go down his back when she referenced their scary run-in with the stranger last night. He was just glad they made it back to their hotel safely.

   "But," Cry Baby continued, "I'm sure we'll be fine to do something fun in the daytime." As Blurry was nodding, Cry Baby's eyes lit up. "Oh! When it gets dark, let's go down to the pool! I very rarely go to outdoor pools, lead alone such extravagant ones."

   "Yeah, great idea!" Blurry agreed. "What about in the meantime?"

   "In the meantime?" Blurry just stared at her as her brow furrowed and her eyes lost contact with his. After about a minute, her eyes widened and her gap showed inside of her open mouth. "Disneyland!"

   Blurry tossed his head back, and gazed at the ceiling. He was never one for Disney. But then again, he was never one for hardly anything. Cry Baby seemed so excited, he just let himself say yes.

   "Okay. Disneyland. Right now?"

   "I don't see why not!" Cry Baby giggled, which, as always, made Blurryface smile too.

   Cry Baby couldn't sit still throughout the taxi ride. She nearly screamed when they stepped out of the car. But, in that moment, Blurry really couldn't care less about buzz of people and rides in the park they were about to enter. He just let himself enjoy Cry Baby's giddiness, and the genuinely dazzled look in her eyes.

   "Oh my gosh, Cry Baby! It's Disneyland, not some enchanted forest."

   "Is there really a difference?" She asked, turning to him, and he laughed. "Come on!"

   They ran through the theme park, neither of them entirely sure where they were going, and not really feeling the need to.

   They ended up having a blast on multiple different rides. They finished talking to Peter Pan - Blurry couldn't help but laugh at how Cry Baby addressed him like a celebrity, insisting he was "the real Peter Pan!" - when Cry Baby announced she felt sick.

   "You want to go back to the hotel?" Blurry offered, but he couldn't hide the disappointment in his voice. He hadn't had genuine fun in years until he met Cry Baby, and he had to admit, Disneyland was fun.

   The taxi ride on the way to their hotel was much less exciting than the one en route to Disneyland, but Blurry only cared if Cry Baby was feeling better. He knew he wasn't a grade-a comforter, but he tried to say soothing words to his friend while rubbing his hand across her back as she hunched in her seat.

   They made it to their room very slowly, and Cry Baby let herself take a nap once they reached her soft bed. She went out like a light, but Blurry sat on the end of her bed nonetheless. Of course he wanted to be there if she needed anything, but, selfishly, he felt like he needed to be with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2016 ⏰

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