Ice Cream

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"Darling, you look so grey. Why don't you go out for a walk? It would be good for you." Cry Baby's mother urged, as clueless little Cry Baby sat up in bed.

"I don't know. I have an awful headache. I don't feel like getting up." Deep down, Cry Baby wondered why her mother prioritized how she was feeling today. Her mother never quite showed her love for Cry Baby, and it made her wonder if perhaps this was how pleasant and caring her mother could be if she wasn't always drinking.

"Oh, darling, do you really think that your headache will go away if you sit in a room all day? I think you should go outside, dear. I really do." Cry Baby was put off by how insistent her mother was about her going outside. She didn't want to push it, so she reluctantly sulked out of bed, her head throbbing.

"Good girl. I hope you feel better soon, lovely." Her mother kissed the top of her head. Something she had never done.

"Thank you..." Cry Baby said carefully, unsure how to react to her mother's unsual behavior. Cry Baby found it quite sad that it was odd for her mother to be kind and compassionate towards her. "Um... For some reason, I don't really remember much of yesterday, particularly the nighttime. It sounds silly, but would you happen to have any idea what I did?"

Her mother seemed to rush to her answer, like she had been thinking about it, or even rehearsing it. "Well, you didn't do very much. You stayed inside all day long, and went to bed early, around seven in the evening. I assume you were simply moping so much because of our little... incident the night before. I am sorry for that, dear. Really, I am."

"Could we please not talk about it?" Cry Baby begged, a hint of anger in her voice.

Cry Baby truly found her mother's words and actions to be very strange. She was acting like a servant, like she worshipped Cry Baby. She was also subtly forcing Cry Baby to go for a walk, she hurried through her explanation of what Cry Baby did yesterday, and Cry Baby knew that she was lying about at least part of it. Cry Baby hadn't forgotten that she had spoken to Blurryface that day, but her mother seemed sure she did nothing but stay inside and go to bed in the evening.

She walked slowly down the stairs, grabbing her head.

"Oh, um, darling? Could I ask you a favor?"

Cry Baby turned to face her mom.

"As long as you're outside, would you take a trip down to the store and get us some orange juice? I noticed we've run out."

   "I wa-"

   "I'd really appreciate it. You can use my money." Her mother's tone did not sound like she was asking Cry Baby a favor, but more making her do something.

   Cry Baby was handed a twenty dollar bill.

   "Orange juice really isn't that expensive, you know."

   "Don't worry about it, sweetie. Just get me some juice, and get yourself some exercise."

   "Fine." Cry Baby exited the house.

   She walked down all the roads, and through all the neighborhoods, and she had to admit that her headache was fading away a bit.

   The door jingled as she opened it, walking into a store filled with all sorts of food, drinks, and necessities. She focused on finding orange juice and leaving as soon as she could.

   The lady at the checkout counter smiled obnoxiously as she scanned the one jug of juice.

   "Find everything okay?" She asked.

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