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Cry Baby opened the door only to see a grey sky feeding raindrops to her wide college campus. What fun it's going to be for her to bike home through this.

   She slung her legs over her bike, and shoved off the slippery ground as she made her way home. Just as she was about to head onto a path, she spotted Blurryface standing there. He didn't say anything, but was clearly waiting for her. She got off her bike and walked to him.

"I didn't know we went to the same school!" She joked. Blurry merely gave her a smile of approval, and not a very genuine smile at that. Even if Blurryface was still unbelievably hard to converse with, Cry Baby was thankful he had learned to express his emotions at least once.

"But really, what brings you here?"

Suddenly, Cry Baby felt a firm and painful grip on her shoulder. She looked behind her to see the same obnoxious boy who always felt the need to harass her after class.

The pain was already enough to make her cry more than the clouds above her. The words hurt too.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my favorite little dumbass, Cry Baby?"

Cry Baby had gotten used to her name, but she often forgets that it originated from kids teasing her for being so emotional and off.

"Look at you, is this your boyfriend? Surprised to see you back in the game after your tiny, tragic fling with J-"

He was about to say a name, clearly hoping it would infuriate whoever she was talking to. But his mouth closed faster than a Venus Fly Trap when he looked up to see Blurryface, the same person who swooped him right off his bicycle onto a concrete path.

   Cry Baby was in tears and immensely grateful when she felt the hand on her shoulder lift up, reliving her from the pain. She wiped her tears as the kid walked off without a word, eventually running away as fast as his legs would allow.

"I hope he slips on the wet ground." Blurryface blurted, and suddenly Cry Baby laughed, amused by his little outburst.

"Sorry, um... what are you here for again?"

"Just to... walk you home." Cry Baby could hardly hear his voice in the pouring rain, and even the bit that she did hear, sounded more like he was ashamed, when in reality, Cry Baby was flattered.

"Yeah. Thanks." She chirped.

"But you... brought your bike."

"Oh my gosh, that's no problem. I can walk it. I owe you one. I probably owe you ten if I counted." She giggled.

The two were silent, for a long, painful while. But that's exactly what Cry Baby wanted to happen. Blurry was going to start a damn conversation.






"Uh... your... do all the students treat you like that?"

Cry Baby was slightly offended by the question, but she noticed Blurryface wince under his hoodie, obviously embarrassed, and she honestly cared more that he had started a conversation, no matter what he said.

"Kind of. I don't go a day without being teased by somebody, but that one kid you've dealt with twice now - Cornelius - he'll never let up. He is determined, like, he goes out of his way to walk up to me and start something. It usually ends up in me crying, but hey, what doesn't, am I right?" She laughed, though she was speaking of sad experiences. "And most of the time he's accompanied by his buddy, Robert. But I think you scared the bejeezus out of him, so he hasn't been bothering me lately. Thanks for that."

"My pleasure."

"Yeah, speaking of that, what does please you? That sounds odd, I know, but if we're friends, I should at least know what makes you happy."

Another stinging silence.

"I dunno."

"C'mon Burry. Give me something to work with. What has made you smile? What has made you laugh? Tell me a happy memory from your past?"

"Cry Baby..." he didn't sound angry, but there was something uncomfortable that seemed to be pushing the words out of his mouth, "you don't tell me about your past. I know I'm quiet, but silence doesn't equal stupidity. You think someone like me wouldn't recognize the signs of a broken person?"

This made her throat tighten, and she looked at the ground, her hands gripping her bicycle like it was the only thing keeping her stable. Now it was her turn to lead a trail of silence in her wake.

"Fair enough." She said eventually, trying her absolute hardest to lighten the mood. She was about to cry again, and thankfully, they were right by Blurryface's door.

"I can't argue with you, Blurry. But there are certain things I would love to wait to tell you. It's unfair I expected something of you that I hate to be expected of myself. Really. I feel bad now." She said with an almost-smile.

"Do you want me to walk you to your house?"

Cry Baby shook her head frightfully surely. She didn't want anybody walking her to that house.

"No. It's fine, you're already soaked, and it was so kind of you to meet me at the university. Have a great rest of your day. See you around."

Blurryface waved and Cry Baby continued walking down the path, never hopping onto her bike.

Blurryface meets Cry BabyWhere stories live. Discover now