7.Lovestruck Kisses

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to get some snacks." Kurama gets up from his chair "want to go with me Momo-zono?"

"No way is she going to be alone with you." Tomoe snaps.


"I can go with you if you want." Ami stands up.

"Alright. Let's go." Kurama walks out the classroom with Ami right behind him.

Leaving me and Tomoe alone. The door slides close and I look down blushing madly. 'Tomoe and I are alone!! Anything can happen... Why didn't I go with Kurama and Ami?!'

I nervously sneak a peek at Tomoe to see him not giving a care in the world. He finishes his drawing and sets his pen down.

"Nanami." Tomoe looks over to me.

"Y-yeah?" I say nervously, realizing I've been caught staring.

"Do you like me?" He looks at me seriously, his cheeks a light pink.

"W-what...?! I-I-I..." My head goes blank.

'Why would he mention it out of the blue like that?!?!?!'

"I can't say..." I look away, blushing the color of a fire truck.

"Really? I see..." He huffs.

"I mean you can't just ask a girl that kind of question. I just can't answer it." I sigh.

"Can't you? Will a simple kiss lead me to the answer?" He puts a hand over mine and leans in slowly.

"Tomoe what are you doing?" I look back to him.

He doesn't respond and kisses me softly on the lips, our lips brushing against each other.

'Why is he doing this? I mean I like it but... It's so sudden...!'

"Why are you doing this?" I start kissing back softly.

He doesn't answer and continues to brush our lips together. He pulls at my bottom lip doing so.

I close my eyes slowly and really take it all in. I grab his tie and pull him closer to me.

"Nanami..." He whispers in between kisses.

"Tomoe..." I whisper, grabbing his hands and intertwining our fingers together.

"Will I get my answer?" He runs his tongue slowly over my bottom lip.

I squeeze his hand a little "M-maybe... You'll have to kiss me more to find out..."

We both continue to lightly make out until we hear footsteps walking upstairs.

"Momo-zono. Mikage. We came back with snacks." I hear Kurama's voice coming closer and closer.

With disappointment I slowly pull away from the kiss Tomoe and I were sharing. I pull my hands back to myself and place them over my lips.

'That was my real first kiss...!' I blush.

Tomoe quickly takes up a pen and starts drawing again right when Ami and Kurama walk in. I quickly shove papers in my face to hide my blushing.

"I got your favorite." Ami walks over to me and holds out a small bag of pastries.

"Thanks..." I try hiding my embarrassment.

"Did you two have fun while me and Ami were gone?" Kurama looks over to Tomoe and smirks.

"That's so dirty Kurama!" Ami frowns.

"We didn't do anything." Tomoe flatly says "right Nanami?"

"Y-y-yeah...! Nothing at all!!" I look over to Kurama.

"Hmm." Kurama gives me a look of disbelief.

I look away from him and sigh loudly. We all eat our snacks and continue on our projects. A few minutes later my phone starts ringing. I pick it up and put the phone to rest against my ear.

"Nanami, come home." My father says on the other side.

"B-but why?" I look over to Tomoe to see him having a fun time and smiling.

"Nanami Momo-zono. How dare you speak like that to me young women. Come here right now before I go over there and beat you." He hisses.

"Yes father..." I try holding back tears and hang up the call.

'I don't want to go back... I just can't!! Not after what he did last time...'

I slide my phone into my pocket and start to put my things away.

"Your leaving?" Tomoe looks over to me.

"My father told me to come back home..." I trail off.

"Okay..." He packs the projects things "I'll walk you home." He smiles.

"Oh no, it's okay. See you all tomorrow." I quickly wave bye and head downstairs.

Tomoe's POV:
'Nanami... Why? Why do you put up with that man?' I sigh as I watch her leave.

"What was that about? A sudden call and she's running out." Kurama looks over to me.

"It was her father..." I glare off into space "he's an awful person."

"How so?" Ami looks up to me.

Author's POV:
Nanami rushes home as Tomoe, Kei, and Ami talk about her leaving. Nanami quickly slides open the door than slides it back close.

"I'm home!" Nanami takes her shoes off and slides the door closed behind her.

"There you are brat." Nanami's father walks over to her and grabs her arm roughly.

As that's happening Tomoe looks down and sighs "Well you see..." He pauses "Whenever I walk Nanami home I see him, his drunk appearance, he always glares at me like he's going to kill me.... And I think he might be abusing Nanami..."

"Father let me go!" Nanami shouts in pain.

Nanami's father throws her to the ground and kicks her in the stomach "You were out with that boy again, huh?" He continues to kick her in the legs "I'll punish you for that!"

"Father please!" Nanami cries out "Don't kick me..." She chokes.

"I'll be doing more than that, just so you remember the whore you are." Nanami's Father picks her up by the leg and drags her into her room.

The door slides closed and Nanami screams.

Sorry it took so long... I had tons of tests and homework. Hope you can forgive me and stay tuned.

My High-School Crush {Nanami X Tomoe Fan-Fic}Where stories live. Discover now