34: Disagreements and Disappointment

Start from the beginning

"Where are her parents? You said she came alone, but she's still a student." I point out. Samantha sighs and looks down sadly while Scott glares at me. "Her parents are dead. She came here for a fresh start." He answers. I suddenly feel horrible. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry Samantha, I didn't know." I try to apologize.

"It's okay, Stiles. I know that some people just don't understand some tragic situations such as mine or they think their own lives and problems are much more important. You aren't the first one." She replies and she flashes me a small, sympathetic smile. I stare at her in shock, my jaw dropping slightly.

"That's not what it is!" I protest, feeling very isolated as everyone stares at me.

"I know exactly how you feel, okay? More so than anyone else in this room! My mom was killed and my dad has been kidnapped! I don't even know if he's still alive! But don't you dare say that I think that my own life or my own problems are more important than everyone else's, because I don't! That is not who I am." I add in a loud voice, almost shouting. Everyone stares at me in shock. Scott stands up. He looks so disappointed in me. "I think you should leave." He tells me.

"Did you not hear what she said to me?" I ask incredulously.

"I did. I also heard what you said to Samantha and how you said it. She didn't deserve that, Stiles." Scott replies. I stare at my best friend in disbelief for a moment. I guess he doesn't realize how much Samantha hurt me. Apparently neither does anyone else. "You know what? You're right. I should leave. I'll see you all at school." I retort before turning around and rush out of the house, holding back the tears. I run to my jeep and jump inside. I start the engine and drive away. Once I pull up to my driveway, I stop the car and finally let my tears come out. I sob and place my head in my hands. That was a complete disaster. Maybe Scott was right. I was rude to Samantha. I haven't given myself a proper chance to  get to know her yet. I need to let go of my gut feeling. I bet Samantha is really nice. She probably didn't mean anything when she said that comment. She was just defending herself. I feel really bad. And what's worse is that I can't tell Scott how I feel. Not after tonight. He's already mad at me. Why do I always screw everything up? After another several minutes of crying, I sniffle and wipe my eyes, get out of the car and walk inside my house. I'll need to face whatever consequences come tomorrow and be brave. I'll try to start again with Samantha. I have to.


I feel anxious as I pull into the school parking lot today. I scan the area to search for my friends. I finally find Kira leaning against a tree. I jump out of my jeep and jog towards her. "Hi Kira, have you seen Scott or Samantha?" I ask hopefully. Kira shakes her head. "No, sorry." She says.

"It's okay, I'll find them later." I shrug.

"Stiles, I just wanted to say that I know what Samantha said to you was wrong. I wish I said something, but I was in shock. I'm really sorry, I should've stood up for you." Kira sighs, looking down at her feet.

"Hey it's okay, don't worry about it. I'm just glad that I have someone on my side." I smile reassuringly. Kira grins back.

"But what I said to Samantha and how I said it was wrong too. I need to apologize to her and Scott. I had no reason to act suspicious or snappy." I admit.

"I guess it can't hurt." Kira shrugs.

"You know what's really bad?" I ask Kira. She shakes her head and looks at me curiously.

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