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Mario Lopez: hey guys! Welcome to Extra! I'm Mario Lopez.

Terri Seymour: I'm Terri Seymour.

Clarissa Thompson: And I'm Clarissa Thompson.

Terri: Our top story for today is of course, Dire Circumstances.

Mario: These kids are truly amazing. I mean, they went from small-town-famous to nation-famous in a matter of months.

Clarissa: I know, right? It's all thanks to Becky Hollies, the incredible guitarist who's vocals are killer. Her range is just... Wow.

Terri: I started watching her solo videos on YouTube.

Mario: Really?

Terri: Yea. They are literally incredible. Did you know she's done the guitar riffs for "Don't Stop Believing", "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen, "Black or White" by Michael Jackson, and even "Black Cat" by Janet Jackson?

Clarissa: No way! She did "Black Cat"?!

Mario: Apparently so. And that's not all. Her performance with Katy Perry at the Billboards was mind blowing. Did you guys see it?

Clarissa: Yes! Completely blown away. Terri, weren't you there on the red carpet with Becky?

Terri: Indeed, I was. Becky was with her longtime friend and famous actor Grant Gustin. The two were adorable together, but Grant and Becky claimed - at the time - that they were just friends.

Mario: Kinda ironic now, considering that they're dating.

Clarissa: That leads us to the biggest event in Billboards history: The Intervention That Broke The Billboards. Was that insane or what?

Terri: Completely. The four media icons Katy Perry, Cara Delevingne, Zendaya, and Meghan Trainor were all in on it. They literally sent Becky and Grant to a room with a hidden camera so they could "work things out" in front of everyone.

Mario: But another amazing part was the fact that Katy Perry actually forced the producers to keep filming even after the allotted time was used up.

Clarissa: I don't know what exactly happened during that five minute commercial break--

Terri: That Katy ordered.

Clarissa: That Katy ordered, but whatever happened, it seemed to have fixed things between Becky and Grant.

Mario: Becky looked so embarrassed when everyone started chanting "KISS!" to her. I felt so bad for that.

Terri: Well, Becky did momentarily stop them by calling them kidults. She even called out Oprah! Who does that?!

Clarissa: Apparently she does. And when Oprah started up the chant again, you guys remember what happened?

Mario: How could I not?

Terri: She kissed him.

Mario: Yep.

Clarissa: And not like a friendly kiss on the cheek. That was a full-on kiss, like she was totally in love with him.

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