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(Y/n) sat at her home late at night, it was a Thursday, and she was sitting on her couch doing some online work for a class, as her TV ran some chick flick movies in the back. The assignment wasn't tricky, just some reading and answering some simple questions about the text. Maybe the most simple task given to a student in college, there was a twist, though. This piece was in Italian due to the class being about the Italian language and its culture. Fascinating language and culture, though hard work to handle for a course like this. The night grew more quiet and somber as (Y/n) kept continuing on her work, the TV turning off because of the inactive use put into the device.

Soon the silence was interrupted by a loud bang on her front door. The obnoxious sounds from the other side annoyed but also scared the girl. A slight jump from her relaxed and focused state made her get up to go towards the door. Looking through the eye hole on her door, allowing her to see who it was, made her sigh in annoyance. It was one of the Italian brothers from one of her classes; Feliciano was his name, she believed. His voice was finally able to reach the girl's ears as she was close to the door.

"(Y/n)! Please help me! I don't know what to do, and nobody else is answering me!" The tiny cries made (Y/n) open the door, feeling a bit more concerned than she would have earlier. Upon opening it, Feliciano lit up with joy seeing the person he was calling for was behind the door. "Feliciano, what's wrong?" The question was full of concern, seeing as she wanted to know from how he cried just a few seconds earlier. Throwing himself at (Y/n) and hugging her tightly, he cried onto her shoulder, trying to explain the whole story.

It took forever to find out what he was talking about, but she understood it with deciphering skills. Earlier that night, Feliciano and his brother Lovino got into a small quarrel. About what? That wasn't a piece that got understood, but Lovino left the dorm room in a fit of rage after the dispute. Feliciano was calming down, too, and he didn't think about trying to make sure that Lovino was alright. That was until he got a call from one of Lovino's friends; he called to say that he was trying to fight some dude at the bar downtown. He was trying to keep Lovino calm and asking Feliciano to hurry up to come and get him.

Which he did, but as he was on his way out of the dorm, he locked the door and forgot to get his key to unlock it after he was done getting Lovino. The thought finally came to him after he was down at the bar getting his troubled brother, and he had to think of something quick. Feliciano tried to call one of his friends to see if they could stay there for the night but thought not to bother them with how late it was. Though he knew (Y/n) was always up late doing her work because there was so much of it to do, thinking that he could have her watch his brother while he goes back up to the school to ask for help.

The whole story was believable; Feliciano always forgot things when he was in such a rush to do something. The troubling part about the entire thing was that (Y/n) would have to watch Lovino. Taking time out of her school working time would be a bit much. She wanted to help, though, so she would set the schoolwork aside for a bit. "Yeah, I can help you, Feliciano, um. Where is he then?" Feliciano ran over to his car in the driveway and opened the door to the vehicle's back.  (Y/n) realized that he must be back there, so she ran over and went to help bring Lovino inside. It was as Feliciano described in the short story before, he was drunk. Well drunk enough to not know how to use his two legs or even use his words coherently. Jumbling words like, "don't help me," "I'm fine," or even "I can walk on my own," all into sentences and pleads of wanting to be left alone. The three were able to make it into the home of (Y/n) after some arduous work, putting the drunkard onto the couch where the house's lady used to be sitting doing her homework. Sitting him down on the sofa, Feliciano took (Y/n) aside to talk a bit about how long it might take and how to help his older brother.

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