Who's the boss?

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"No I didn't. Milo and I spoke and he knows that all I have to offer is friendship, that nothing else can happen between us. I like him but only as a friend." I say seriously shrugging his hand off mine.

"What do you mean you talked? When did this happen?" He asks pissed.

"Yesterday. He came in and seen me crying about what happened with my dad. He gave me a hug, we had dinner then he went home. Not a big deal at all" I say seriously.

"What about your Dad? I'm going to ask that question first before the others I want to know answers to" Noah asks frowning at me. Shit! I forgot to tell them last night I was too exhausted I just wanted to sleep.

The first bell rings and I look at all of them waiting for my answer. "Basically my dad came to my work, told me he's moving to the city, we got in an argument and I finally told him how I have been feeling. He left and I cried. Any other questions you might have will have to wait till lunch. I'm already at a disadvantage with this ankle and don't want to be late to class" I say smiling. The still don't move so I rush over to each of them kiss their cheeks then head for my French class leaving them behind.

Lunch came around fast and I get to the table last because I had to drop my books in my locker to lighten the load. I sit down between Mitch and Finn giving them a friendly smile which they return.

"Hols, are we going food shopping after school today" poppy asks walking past with her lunch tray beside Max.

"Sure. I can't train and don't have work until Wednesday so we may as well do it today" I smile and she nods walking on.

"Hey Holly!" I hear my name and turn around again to see Mike and Matt waving from a table at the window with the rest of the basketball team. I wave back and turn back to the table taking my water and tuna sandwich out. The table seems too quiet. I look up to see what's happened and realise everyone is looking at me, even Libby. "What?" I ask taking a drink if my water.

" I think you have a few things to explain" Noah says between clenched teeth. What's his problem?

"Shoot" I say opening my sandwich.

"Why are you going food shopping and not your mum?" Mitch asks from beside me.

"Sam has taken my mum away on a trip so it's just me and Poppy. He left money for food and things so we're going to get stuff in. Next" I say treating it like a game so I can't get too emotionally involved thinking about it all.

"How do you know tweedle dumb and tweedle Dee?" Finn asks nodding towards the twins.

"If you mean Mike and Matt I know them because I work with them. Next"

"Why did you go on date with Milo" Noah asks making me choke on my water. When I look up he's looking at me with furrowed brows.

Mitch pats my back and I smile up at him in thanks. "I did not go on a date with Milo. I had my dinner break and went to Patty's and he asked if he could come to and I said yes. That is not a date!" I say shocked. "I have boyfriends" i whisper looking at all of them making Libby laugh "why would I go on a date with someone who wasn't one of them?" I ask pissed that he would say something like that. "Next" I growl out.

"Why was Milo there in the first place?" Noah asks

"He came in for a coffee, I was working. He came in just after dad had left and I was upset. He comforted me and I made him a mochachino then he spent time with the twins talking and then came for dinner with me before going home. Please stop acting like this do I ask who and what you talk to people about" I stare pointedly at him and then the rest of the guys "no I don't! I told you already. Milo and I are friends nothing more than that and I have made that clear to him. I like him but as a friend so please calm down." I say leaning over the table to squeeze his hand. "We done now?" I question looking round at all the boys who nod. Theo looks shocked and Libby looks proud. I proceed to tell them about what happened with my dad so that they are all in the loop and eat my lunch.

Ignorance was Bliss (Random Updates)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora