Here is the thing

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Thank you all so much for reading all of my, I guess you could say, commentaries on my crush and I guess you could say it is a 'internet support group' hahahahah if you get it comment 'pham'.

But there is this thing about me and my crush. Okay so in the last few parts I have been talking about how my crush and I talk to each other and tons and tons of you guys say that he likes me and that I should make a move because, yes, he is shy. But the reason I haven't made a move yet is because o this little story right here. So before I start, get cozy.

Okay so at the very beginning of last year I really liked this dude which just so happened to be my now crush's best friend so my ex-friend who was my friend at the time kept on telling me stuff like 'oh my gosh he likes you so much' and 'he's going to ask you out but he is afraid you'll say no' and 'you should ask him' talking about the winter dance and everything so I ask her for HIS number instead of asking him for his number directly because I'm chicken. So I start texting him and he was acting super flirty and everything so I keep on talking to him for a few days and I think late in September I ask him to go to the dance, the dance of course being in JANUARY, he said yes but a few day later he asked my ex-friend out and said that he loves her and everything and I honestly don't even know how many times the guy has asked her out and the poor dude has just been SO mistreated by her and doesn't deserve it and I feel bad for him but back to the conversation. So I kept liking him for a few more days maybe even a week I don't know but during our break off we have a festival that we go to so for two weeks I had a brief crush on my best guy friend but we were too good of friends and I didn't want to ruin that. Then I had a crush on no one for a few short days then we went back to school. I started talking to the guy I was going to the winter dance with best friend which is now my crush. Lets just call my crush... Bob ( that's not his name don't get it twisted ). So bob and I started talking and I found out that he is such a nice guy and he's really smart, sarcastic, athletic, and just so much more combined into one living thing and that is just so amazing I think anyways and he is amazing. But I slowly developed a very very very huge crush on him and I DID NOT want to mess up with this one. But I ended up going to snowball with bob's best friend and I mean he's a gentleman but my feelings for him just disappeared and so now I'm so scared to make the first move with a guy I like now so now I'm going to take my mum's advice and wait for him to make the first move because I'm literally terrified of him like not wanting to give me his number or like hold hands with him or anything like that. But back to what I was saying earlier about my ex-friend who kept mistreating my former crush let's call him... frank. But my ex-friend is a very touchy subject with me because that was my first time I had ever truly lost a friend and I can easily just go off and say all the things she has done which is sooooo wrong including: her lying to EVERYONE that she cuts herself for attention, telling the grade above us stuff about frank things that she wasn't supposed to tell anyone, she lies, flirts with every guy, telling lies about me and my friends saying stuff about her behind her back which we did not and it was the complete opposite, and see now I'm going off and I should stop. But yeah that's why I haven't made the first move yet and please list your thoughts in the comments below and I'll try to answer some of you back!!

Love you!!

~ Emma

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