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Hey! So, today for some reason he was wearing actual like boy clothes instead of just sporty stuff which I've only seen him dress like that what 4 times for the 4 years I've known him.

Anyways, I was going by his first period room and I stopped right in front of the door to talk to a teacher and when I turned around he was staring at me. While we were at breakfast he kept staring at me more than usual. Next is gym, he is great at sports and people have told him that. But the day before that the guys had to practice doing push-ups and I was watching them because you know, why not? He was like staring at me the whole time I don't know why. Explain please.

He confuses me so because like one day he will act like he likes me and the next day he acts like he doesn't even know me and it is so frustrating and it makes me just want to stop liking him completely. If he would just talk to me more often then maybe I wouldn't be losing interest as quick as I am. Just a thought. And by the way I'm just letting my brain write what it wants to at the moment.

Things have gotten better over the past few days but it's still not the same as last year when we would have actual conversations and it not be awkward like it is now. But today we went over definitions in math and it was so awkward but I talked to him more I made him smile like 3 times but then I felt under the desk and my hand got in gum and then I said to him, "I just stuck my hand in gum under the desk." And he just kinda laughed at me. Thanks dude. I really appreciate that. He stares at me so much and it makes me happy though. Wait, I have a challenge for you all, comment what he is thinking when he stares at me. 😹
Put anything you want. 😹😹

This is going to be hilarious.

Love you all.

~ Emma

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