Meeting his parents #1

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( A/N: Hi, in this imagine you all are already dating. 😊 )

It was 3:00pm and you had dinner with Y/C's parents at 6:00. You had to start getting ready. You were as nervous as could be. You first laid out your clothes which were a black high waisted skirt with a loose dark gray long sleeve top with black over the knee socks. You would wear combat boots and your hair lightly curled at the bottom.

You hopped into the shower and washed your hair then blow dried it. It was now 3:45pm. You brushed your hair out then put your clothes on. You lightly curled the ends of your hair. You slipped on your shoes and got the flowers you had gotten for his parents.

You heard a knock on your front door knowing it was him the time now 5:30pm. You rushed to the back door and opened it. You smiled at him widely. He was wearing a gray polo shirt and black pants. You all somehow matched.

"You look gorgeous. " he said looking you up and down then pulling you into a hug and staring at you. He suddenly kissed you gently and slowly. "We have to go. " you breathed breaking the kiss as he frowned and puppy eyes. "Please." he breathed running his hand through your hair.

"Fine. " you said as you kissed him cupping his cheeks. "Okay, now let's go." you said as you pulled back running out the door for the taxi waiting outside, him following behind. When he got in the taxi with you he wrapped his arms around you and laid his head on your shoulder.

"Thank you so much. " Y/C said waving bye to the taxi and closing the car door. You knocked on the glass door waiting for his parents to open. Your heart pumped faster as you saw both his parents head to the door.

They both opened the door. "Hi sweetie. " his mother said hugging you. "Hello sweetheart. " said his dad hugging you as well. "We have heard so much about you. " his mother said placing her hands on your shoulders as you smiled up at Y/C. "A LOT. " his older sibling said walking down the stairs.

"Hi H/O/S. " you said waving at him. Y/C wrapped his arm around my waist. "Come in. " his mom said smiling and moving out of the door way. "Thank you. " you said walking into the door and wiping off your feet. "Oh here you go. " you said handing the bouquet of flowers to his parents. "These are so beautiful. Thank you. " his mother said gasping. "You're welcome. " you said with a smile.

"So Y/N, Y/C has told me that your favorite meal is grilled chicken, corn, and baked potatoes. I have made each one of those. " she said taking your arm and led you to the kitchen. "This looks delicious. " you said looking at the food that was prepared.

"Well, let's eat. " she said handing you a plate. "Thank you. " you said gratefully taking the plate. You got everything you wanted in your plate. "Are you sure you don't want more sweet heart?" his dad asked having a loaded plate full of food. "No thank you. " you said sitting down next to Y/C.

"You must eat like a bird. " his mother said sitting across from you. "No. I just snack a lot. " you said slightly giggling cutting your grilled chicken into pieces. "You don't look like you eat anything much. " she said pointing at your stomach. "Trust me, I do. " you said giggling making his father and mother smile.

Both his siblings walked downstairs and sat down at the table. "Hi Y/N. " said his younger sibling. "Hello. " you said smiling politely. "So Y/C tells me that you are on swim team ( or whatever sport you play ). " his dad said clearly interested in sports.

"Yes. I absolutely love it. " you said taking a bite of your grilled chicken. "Is it a hard sport? I've heard it's difficult. " his dad said wolfing down his corn. "Definitely. The hard thing is, we are constantly moving and we don't get time outs like most sports do, it's just always 'suck it up and swim, kid!'. " you said quoting your coach.

His father chuckled as his mom did the same. "You know Y/N, I can already tell you are perfect for Y/C. " his mother said as you stopped eating and your eyes widened. "W-What?" you asked smiling. "I can already tell your perfect for Y/C. " his mother repeated smiling. "Thank you. " you said feeling yourself blush as his siblings kept quiet.

"You know, on the first day of school 4th grade, Y/C came home and he asked me, 'Hey mom, can we talk?' and I said, 'Sure honey. What about?' and he said, 'I have a crush on a-a girl. ' and then I asked him, 'On what girl?' and he said, 'A shy one. Her name is Y/N Y/L/N. She's new. ' and I asked, 'Oh really? and he says, 'Yes...' and ever since then he has always told me stuff he's found out about you. " his mother said making Y/C say, "MOM. " as you said, "It's okay. " patting him on the shoulder making him smile widely.

You all finished eating then went in the living room and sat down. "Now, I already have the whole night planed. " his mother announced getting two binder like things from one of the shelves. "What are these?" you asked as she sat down beside you and plopped one in your lap as Y/C sat on the other side of you.

"Oh no. " Y/C said face palming himself. It was his baby pictures. "Oh my gosh. " you laughed as you opened up the first one to see a picture of his 1st birthday where he had cake smeared across his face smiling as wide as ever. "You were adorable. " you said looking through the pictures. "Were?" he asked looking at you.

"I mean you still are but this is amazingly adorable. " you said as his mom laughed and you then high five her. You then saw a picture of him 6 months old, barely any hair in his head, he was laying stomach down on a pillow surface naked may I add, and you could see his little bum.

"Awwwwwwee..." you said as you looked at the picture. "Don't look at that. " he said covering the picture with his hands. "Why?" you asked him smiling. "Because that's embarrassing. " he said smiling but gritting his teeth. "No, it's cute. " you said uncovering the picture.

"So you think my bum is cute?" he asked smirking. "No, it's just a cute picture. " you said poking him on the nose making him and his parents laugh. All the sudden he started tickling you. "Y/C STOP. " you said while laughing uncontrollably. "Y/C, knock it off. " his mum said making him stop as he smiled.

His mother smiled. "You know Y/N, you are Y/C's first ever actual girlfriend. " she said placing her hand on your shoulder. You just smiled as Y/C intertwined his fingers with yours. "I did not. " you replied to her still smiling. "So, what are you thinking for snowball (or winter dance)?" his dad asked.

"Umm... What do you mean?" you asked confused. "What would the your all's colors be?" his dad asked. "Umm... I have no idea, " you said. "I'll have to find a dress. " you said chuckling. "How about I call your mom and we can go dress shopping together?" his mom said gasping. "That's a great idea. " you said turning to her. "Sounds like a plan. " she said smiling.

"Can I go?" Y/C asked you tucking some hair behind your ear. "No, Hun. It'll just be a surprise, okay?" his mother said clearly sorry. "He can go. How about he can see all the dresses but doesn't know which one I pick?" you suggested to his mother. "That is a great idea. " she said she said slightly opening her mouth. "YAYY. " he chanted.

To be continued.

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