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Okay just a quick little thing. Me and my crush have the exact same shirt and I told him that one day and it went like this -
Me: H/N (his name)
H/N: hm? He leaned forward.
Me: I have that exact same shirt.
H/N:What? (It was very loud in the room)
Me: What?
H/N: what? *smiles*
Me what? *smiles*
H/N: what? *smiles wider*
Me: I have that exact same shirt.
H/N: Cool. *smiles then laughs together*
But the next week on Tuesday (his favorite day of the week) he wore it again but that night we had a basketball game that me and my friends were going to that night and HE WAS THERE WITH THE SHIRT STILL ON JUST WITH DIFFERENT shorts and I had changed into that exact same shirt so we both had the same shirt on. But he stared at me the whole time and me and my friends were going to the bathroom and he was coming out of the bathroom and we ran into each other and his eyes got really big but kept on going. But at the game I had REALLY short shorts on and my guy friend cage was complaining at the game that they were too short because he's like my older brother but at school on Thursday he said in front of the whole class, "Emma should have been dress coded at that game because you couldn't even see that she had shorts on." And my crush blushed so much and smiled. But on Friday we moved seats in social studies and I sit right next to him and he's my partner. We actually talked a little bit and he made me laugh and every time I laughed he smiled and I'm proud of myself but I have like 3 imagines on the sweet peas. Wait! There's something else but on Thursday that girl Jim asked for his number and she got it but he 'accidentally' gave her his older brother's number and oh my gosh it was so funny.

~ Emma

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