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You were walking down the hallway with Y/B/F...

"I wish Y/C liked me back. " you said walking down the hallway as you saw Y/C with his supposed 'girlfriend'. You rolled your eyes and walked off. "Hey, you never know. " your friend said smiling at you but you just stared at Y/C. "I do know. I know that he doesn't like me and I know that I don't like him anymore. " you said shrugging off your feelings.

"That's right, you don't need a man. You have me. " she said making you laugh. "Watch this. " you said running up to your B/G/F who was right in front of Y/C. "I missed you so much. " you said hugging B/G/F since he had been gone for a week. You didn't bother to look at Y/C because therefore you didn't care anymore.

"I missed you too. " B/G/F said hugging you back as you smiled up at him. You could feel someone staring at you all so you turned to see who it was. It was Y/C staring at you all his face slightly red, eyebrows frowned, and biting his lip, he then looked away when you caught him but you didn't care.

"Hey, do want to maybe go out tonight? I'll take you to dinner. " B/G/F said shyly smiling at you. "Yes. Where do you want to go?" you asked holding his hand as you could feel someone's gaze back on you again but you didn't care. "(Your favorite restaurant), I know it's your favorite. " he said smiling down at you.

"YAY. What time do I need to be ready?" you asked excitedly. "I'll pick you up at 7:00, okay babe?" he asked shyly making you smile even more. "Sounds like a plan. " you said kissing his cheek.

"Okay. " he said with a goofy grin. "Bye bye. " you said walking back to Y/B/F. "I think someone's really mad. " she said pointing to Y/C who looked frustrated slamming his locker as hard as he could and pushing people out of his way. "I don't care. I got date. " you said smirking at her. "I know, lets go follow Y/C. " she said pulling you put the door he just went through.

You saw him behind the school resting his head against the brick wall, tears falling from his eyes. "Awe, you made him really sad. " she whispered in your ear. "I'm just returning the favor back to him. " you said to her as she had a shocked look on her face.

"What?" you asked as she looked at you. "I thought you were just joking when you said you were over him. " she said opening her mouth slightly. "No, I was serious. " you said with a straight look. "Good job. That's my girl. " she said fist bumping you. "Let's go get ready for your date!!" she yelled running to your car. You stopped and turned around to see a crying Y/C and staring at you. You then chased after her.

*Time skip to when you're ready*

*Time skip to when you're ready*

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This was your outfit. Your makeup was the simple, natural look. "You're makeup is done!!" your best friend squealed finishing your makeup as you look in the mirror. You looked decent for yourself. "My makeup looks really good. " you told your best friend. "Of course it does, I did it. " she said
making you laugh.

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