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Y/C P.O.V. Thoughts

It was a crisp fall morning walking into my small school, just waiting anxiously to see my crush/love, Y/N. I missed, correction, I miss her so much it hurts. I rushed up to the choir room. I took in a deep breath before walking in the door. There she was, looking beyond gorgeous as always, sitting and laughing with her best friends.

She had an adorable little black dress on but the bottom was red and black plaid with over the Nee black socks and combat boots with her hair in a high ponytail. She looked amazing. Over the summer I could tell that she had lost some weight, she wasn't even fat before but she had lost some. As soon as I opened the door, her head turned towards me. I could feel my cheeks heat up as her smile faded and she turned back to her friends.

This day is already off to a bad start. I met up with my friends and started talking about random things but I couldn't get her off my mind. We went to break and we sat down in our spots we usually sit in. Y/N's best friend sat beside her. Her best friend said to me, "Guess what?" she said excitedly. "What is it?" I asked trying to look not interested. "Y/N GOT A BOYFRIEND!" she practically screamed.

My heart dropped, it was shattered. I could feel my face burn with anger and sadness. A layer of water covered my eyes and my throat tensed up and I felt like I was being chocked. "Uh...uh..." I said that being the only thing I could make come out of my mouth. "Aren't you happy for her?" her friend asked as my best friend started paying attention to the conversation as Y/N smiled slightly and blushed. I just nodded my head.

"Who is her boyfriend?" my best friend asked knowing I wanted to ask but I just couldn't. "Oh, G/F ( guy friend's full name ), you don't know him. He goes to T/S/C ( the school close to yours ). " Y/N said looking happy as ever clearly nervous as well. "He's amazing. He loves kids, he's so very kind, he's funny, shy at first, athletic, plus he treats me well. Oh! He also gave me this. " she said holding out her wrist that had rubber band around it that said "I ❤️ You!" I rolled my eyes, I mean it was sweet but I am the one who is supposed to give that kinda stuff to her, not him. "It's not much but it's special to me. " she said smiling and looking at it. I turned my head away from her to look at the wall.

I tried to think happy thoughts but all my happy thoughts were her so I tried playing a game on my phone, it helped not a lot but that was okay for now. "He's walking me home today if you all would like to meet him. " she said smiling and blushing.

"I would love to meet him. " I said with a straight face making it sound like I would like to but in reality I want to do something else. "It's a deal. " she said adorably smiling at the sky. I tried my hardest not to smile but I just couldn't not smile.

We walked back into the classroom and I sat down in my chair. I looked at the ground trying to make things up to make it better but nothing worked. I felt hot tears in my eyes. I asked the teacher if I could go to bathroom, barley being able to say the words. I rushed quickly to the bathroom and closed myself in one of the stalls.

I sat down on one of the toilets with the lid down. I put my head in my hands and sobbed. I raised my head up out of my hands. I opened up the stall and went to the mirror above the sink. My eyes were stained red, the color in my eyes dull, my face being more pale that usual, seeing veins pop out of my neck, my hair ratted from where I pulled at it so many times. I was a mess.

Why would she like you? Why would she have any interest in you? You're just worthless. You're not even good at sports. You're never good enough to anyone. You're never nice enough. You have no sense of humor. You can't make jokes, you just make really bad puns. You don't treat her well enough. All these thoughts ran through my head.

I heard the bell to go to my next class. I slowly walked to the classroom and got my bag. I walked to my next class which was with Y/N. My head sagged as I shuffled to class, making me late. "Mr.C/L/N, you're late. " my teacher said sternly. "I'm sorry miss. " I said not even making eye contact with anything but the floor. "Don't let it happen again, okay?" she asked. "Yes mam. " I replied shuffling to my seat laying down my head in my arms.

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