Scared #1

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You were in the mall with your crush, because you were assigned to a project with each other that requires you to spend a day with the other...

You walked slowly beside your crush in the mall while you were carrying on a conversation with him about the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek and which one you both like better. You all decided to take a break and sit down. "I'm hungry, do you want to go get some food?" C/N asked with a puppy dog look on his face.

"I don't see why not. What would you like, I'll go get it. " you said. "You don't have to go by yourself. I'll go with you. " C/N said tugging at the bottom of your shirt, making you blush slightly. "Why are you blushing?" C/N asked smiling as he finished the sentence.

"No reason, anyways, I'll go get the food. What do you want?" "Fine, umm.. How about just some chicken strips will work. I'll pay. " C/N says pulling the money out of his pocket and handing it to you. "No, I'll pay. "

"Here. " he says shoving it into your pocket and blushing furiously then smiling. You walked off smiling, you couldn't help about how cute he was. Finally, you had gotten the food and came back to where you and him were sitting.

You saw a random girl sitting beside him trying to talk to him, but he just looked uncomfortable and him scooting away from her quickly. She was trying to flirt with him. You could tell he didn't like it.

As the girl was making him scoot over to the edge of the seat he slipped off and ran towards you and hiding behind you like a little kid. His arms were gently wrapped around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder.

"What did she do to you?" You asked smiling and blushing. "She kept on getting closer and closer to me and it made me really uncomfortable she kept saying weird stuff too. " he said worried.

The girl got up and started to walk over to where you and C/N stood, together. "Who do you think you are? " the girl asked. "Umm... - " you said as C/N cut you off. "My girlfriend. " he answered grabbing your hand. You could tell he was scared.

"Well, uh wouldn't you like this better." The girl said pointing at her body. "No, actually I would much rather prefer a modest, beautiful, funny, kind, smart, and not a whore girlfriend. Now please leave. " C/N said sternly and squeezing your hand tighter and tighter you chuckling at what he said. He turned his head to look at you and smiled.

"Okay, then prove it. " the girl said. "What do you mean? " C/N asked. "Kiss. " you and C/N look at each other with widened eyes. You gave him a 'should we?' look, he nodded and smiled. "Okay. " C/N said.

He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him and you cupped both his cheeks and smiled before you knew it you two were kissing. You broke apart out of breath and you just actually thought of what just happened?? C/N was blushing so hard and smiled uncontrollably. You felt him grab your hand and intertwined it with his.

The girl's mouth was dropped open and stunned. "Is that enough proof? " C/N said with a sarcastic tone. The girl turned around and stomped off.

You turned to C/N, he was already staring at you. "Did you really mean what you said about me? " you asked him. "Of course I did. Your the most amazingly perfect person I've ever met just to be honest. " he said. "Well, apparently you've not met very many people. " you said like looking down and you connected both yours and C/N's hands together.

You felt a finger lift up your chin to look him in the eyes. "I've met many, many, many people actually. " he said with a smirk. You couldn't help but smile. "Umm... Y/N I have a confession. " C/N said as his cheeks turned a sort of crimson red. "Spill. " you said with a huge smile. "I have had a crush on you for the longest time and I've been to scared to admit it because you are just so beautiful inside and out and so nice and I thought you would turn me down but apparently in the last few minutes I have gained A BUNCH of confidence and I just really wanted to ask you if you would be my g-girlfriend. " he stuttered so much barley getting it out of his mouth.

Your eyes fell to his lips and back up to his eyes. You couldn't believe what he just said. Suddenly a huge smile was plastered against your face. "It's okay if you don't want to, I - " you cut him off by yelling, "YES. YES. YES. OH MY HOLY LANTA YES. " you kissed him and you could feel him smiling through the kiss. You pulled apart and smiled.

"Come on, let's go to my house. " C/N said grabbing your hand and leading you through the crowd.

( A/N: HIYA, I'm so sorry if you have requested an imagine and it's not done yet, it's just I have so much going on and I have absolutely no time to do anything so I wrote this imagine to make up for it. Right now I have no access to an Internet connection and I'm in the car but tomorrow I will try to get as many done as I can, I just want to make them the best for you all. Bye, have a wonderful day lovelies!! )

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