Instead of answering me he pulls the back of his tshirt up and with that proceeds to pull his trousers down a tiny bit revealing the top of red boxers. He looks over his shoulder with a wink and I know my face is beet red." You could of just told me you know" I say laughing.

"Where is the fun in that gorgeous" he states fixing himself.

"Alright mr flirtalot off you go" I make a shooing motion with my hands towards the door and start to clean the coffee machine.

I spent the next half an hour cleaning the counters and restocking the fridge and counters. There was only a couple customers so the tables weren't dirty enough yet to have to try and hobble my way over to them. I was texting the guys to see what they were up to and they had all gone to Noah's to chill out. Poppy was with Ruby at the cinema but would come here for closing time so we can go home together.

The bell over the door goes and I look up to see my sheepish looking dad walk through it heading towards me. I don't know why but my body seems to run cold and the feeling of anger comes inside of me. I've not heard from him in over two weeks and now he shows up.

"Hi pet" he says in his strong Scottish accent. "How you been?" He asks coming to lean against the counter.

"Hi. I'm fine. What's up?" I ask with no emotion.

"Can't your dad just pop in to see his baby girl without having a reason?" He asks smiling at me but something is off with it.

"Dad cut to he chase. You've never came by to see me while I'm at work. You've not bothered to call or text since you cancelled breakfast so what's going on?" I ask not wanting to spend time beating around the bush.

"Well the thing is...Carol's got a new job. She's going to be working in the city and it will cost a lot of money for her to commute so we are moving." He says blushing rubbing his hands through his hair. That's a nervous trait I get from him.

I can't say I'm surprised that he decides to just pop in and tell me this but what reaction is he looking for? "Okay. So when are you moving?" I ask.

"That's the thing. The house has been on the market for the last month and it sold on Friday. I told your mother but I guess she didn't tell you since you look surprised. We have already secured another house in the city so we will be moving in the next three days." He says matter of factly.

Three days?? Friday? So that's why Mum was so upset about Dad on Friday. It's his fault she was drinking she didn't want to have to tell us that he was moving away and probably wouldn't see him hardly or if at all if Carol has her way. She was obviously hurt by everything he has done and dealt with it the best way she knows how. It's his fault she hurt me because she was so upset from what he told her.

"And your bothering to tell me now why" I ask angrily.

"Well, I'm not going to be around the town anymore and I wanted to talk to you about it. I knew your mum never told you because you never called or anything so I thought I would talk to you face to face to see how you are about it." He rushes out.

"Well I'm fine about it. You haven't been there for me since the moment you walked out on us to be with Carol. You haven't been there for me when I've been dealing with mum's drinking and you certainly haven't been there for me when I needed you the most. I've taken care of your family. Me! A teenage girl has taken care of her family where her Dad has chosen to forget about them. So you can go and live in the city with your perfect family and you can finally fully forget about your old one since that's what you've been trying to do for the past few years!" I shout at him thankful that the coffee shop was empty because my high pitches voice and tears would surely scare them off.

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