CHAPTER THIRTY: Respect Isn't Demanded. It Is For You To Gain

Start from the beginning

Just the one thing I notice is that everytime guys would approach us and introduce themselves to me, Kohell is always one step closer to me and is somewhat keeping me as distant as possible from them. I don't know what his deal is that he's just like my father.

A couple of guys approached us as we entered the dining area with all the flavored jellos on the table and chips and such.

"Thought you weren't coming as a couple." Said a guy with an accent. And I reckon it's the guy Gavin.

"You thought wrong." I answered.

"Ohh, feisty. I love that. You're one heck of a lucky guy, Treyson. I'm Gavin, by the  way." He said, extending his hand.

I took it and said, "Heaven." I began. "Quite the party you've got. Like you literally invited the entire population."

"You can say I'm friendly." He said and laughed.

"Super friendly." Kohell interrupted. "Gavin, there are some rookies on the way here. Mind if you welcome them first?" Kohell said to Gavin without breaking eye contact.

Gavin blinked a few times, "Yeah sure. Kegs are everywhere and there's chips on the table. Make yourselves comfy. We'll do the shots in a minute." He then headed out the front door.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"What?" He pretended to be clueless.

"You shooed him away like a dog. And same goes for everyone. Why did you do that?" I asked in gritted teeth.

"You don't know Gavin like I do. You don't even know a quarter of these invited people. I'm just protecting you." He said with blank expression.

"Exactly. That's why I'm in this party. To mingle. And to 'show you off'. Or the other way around, depending on your reason for dragging me to this. You can't just shoo away everyone who's being friendly to me. You're not even--"

"Don't say it. Can we talk outside?" He isn't asking. He's demanding. Again with his superiority. I marched my way out of the party.

"What now?" I asked impatiently.

"You want to know my reason for bringing you to this party? It's because I want to keep an eye on you. On who's going to do bad on you or something. I want to narrow down the list of people you can hang out with.  Narrow down the people I can trust you with. And I must say, I can't trust you with anyone other than myself. You're like candy being offered to a child in there. Boys or girls, I just can't trust you with them." He said casually. He didn't exert much effort in this conversation but the superiority is still there.

"If you can't trust them with my life, then trust me instead. Whether those people meant harm, I just don't care now Kohell. I'm more concerned of the threats other than being with people who knows nothing but to party, bag everyone else, smoke pot, get drunk on school night. They are the least ones I have to worry about. They are the least ones you have to worry about. Truth be told, you can't protect me from everything, Kohell. You just can't. But I appreciate you going all protective, but there are limits. For once, I just wanted a normal teenage life. And I thought of going to this party as something of a diversion from all the insanities that is associated with my life right now. Please, don't be that barrier. " I said with teary eyes.

All makes sense to me. I wasn't brought here to enjoy, I was brought here for the sole reason of keeping me isolated once more. That's why Kohell invited me himself, knowing the jocks would flock on me, now that we're out in the open as a couple.

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