CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE: I Don't Want To Make The Same Mistake Twice

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CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE: I Don't Want To Make The Same Mistake Twice

As the droplets of rain soaked up our bodies, I couldn't have cared less. The fact that Kohell has soften his heart out a bit for me again, just felt so good. The deemed Satan of Brooklyn Heights High School is literally carrying me in the rain. This is not some cheesy chick flick and this is reality. And no matter how hard I try to convince myself that he's only doing this because he sees me as a liability for inviting me to this party, no, the curious female instinct that I have lived for many years tells me it's the other way around. That he really truly cares for me. And that no matter how much of a nut head I am, he still cares for me. He do care for me. And that's something I want to hold on to.

Every bits and parts of my body tells me, I can trust him. Every crack and crevice of my whole being just can't deny the fact that it wants to be held by him, protected by him, be with him. I just can't fathom how inconvenient this might be for me, knowing that I am well aware of what's going to happen the minute I realize where this is going. I don't want to think that I can't handle it if this goes on very wrong and I have to grasp the reality that he isn't really for me. Or worse, something bad might happen to the both of us, given the current situation we have.

Unmistakably, I am delighted at this very moment. It's like all the worries and bad thoughts I have are being washed up by the rain. It's like I'm being cleansed. The heavy feeling in my chest, suddenly was a bit lifted. Like, I feel so light and I know I have nothing to worry about.

The journey to the dorms felt like forever. And funny as it already is, I don't want to stop. I just want to live in this very moment and have nothing to worry about.

"You're quiet." He said out of the blue.

"Just thinking about a few things." I answered.

He kneeled down on one foot and let go of my legs. It was still drizzling but we're already soaked up and we didn't mind. It was then I realized we're in front of their dormhouse.

He didn't bother to say a word and walked towards the door. As soon as it was opened I rushed inside because the chills are beginning to be unbearable.

Quickly, I ran towards the artificial fire place. It's not real fire but the heat relieves me from the chills. I raised my hands near the 'fire' to cool it down a bit. Suddenly, I felt a fabric on my shoulder. I looked upon it and it was a clean white towel.

"You'll get sick if you don't dry yourself up immediately." Kohell spoke. And from the looks of it... oh my gosh. Is he... Is he planning to take his shirt off????

I dropped from my half-sitting position. He's really getting naked!

"H-Hey... W-What are y-you doing?" I stammered.

"My clothes are wet all thanks to you." He answered.

I sighed in disbelief. "Your room is a few steps from here. You could've just changed in there or whatever it is you're planning to do."

"This is my pad. I can do whatever I can." He responded without looking my way. He simply rubbed the towel in his head.

"Maybe. But that was when you haven't offered for me to stay here." I exclaimed. "Have some respect, Jesus!"

"Am I making you feel uncomfortable?" He said, as he stride slowly towards me.

My heart beats so fast, now that I am drunk. But at this very moment, right at this effin' moment, Usain Bolt would be ashamed as to how fast my heart beats. Faster than lightning. And I know I had to exaggerate.

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