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{~song for chapter: Feelings-Haven~}
Ziah's POV:
~a year later~
My alarm buzzes & I hop out of bed
I brush my teeth & wash my mouth out
I take a quick shower & get dressed

I put on black flats & brush my hair out I tie my hair up in a perfect bunI grab my purse & walk into the living room I look to see Nate on his MacBook working on music He has headphones on I smile & I walk over to him He's so into the music He do...

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I put on black flats & brush my hair out
I tie my hair up in a perfect bun
I grab my purse & walk into the living room
I look to see Nate on his MacBook working on music
He has headphones on
I smile & I walk over to him
He's so into the music
He doesn't realize that I'm sitting on his lap
I slip off one headphone & I kiss his cheek
He giggles & looks over at me
He wraps his arms around me & kisses me
"I see you slept well" he says smirking & pinching my blushing cheeks
"Yeah..thanks to-"
I hear tiny footsteps & I hop off of Nate's lap
He whines & I giggle
I see Jasmine wobble over to me
"Hi baby" I squeal seeing her little cute self
She has light brown curly hair & hazel eyes
She's tan but not dark like me
I lift her up & I spin around with her
"I see my little jazz is awake"
She squeals & says something cute in gibberish
I giggle & Nate grabs my waist
"My girls" he says looking at me & Jasmine
Things have changed in a year's time
Nate's making a brand new album & is gonna release it later this year
Jasmine's a year old & Zoe's engaged to Gilinsky...
Did I mention she's also 2 months pregnant? Yeah...I didn't did I?..
I get off the couch & kiss Jasmine's tiny head
"See you later princess" I say nuzzling my nose with her tiny nose
She giggles & I hand her to Nate
"I'll see you later handsome" I say & peck his lips
"I'll miss you" he says whining
"I'll be home by 3 today"
"What's the point here?" He asks
"I have only 6 hours of work today..I usually do 10 hours remember?" I say
"Oh yeah...but still YOU'LL BE AWAY FROM ME FOR 6 HOURS! I feel like your going to school!" He whines
I giggle & cup his face
"Don't worry..it's not school" I say giggling & kiss him
~at work~
I'm scrambling through papers
when I find a file with "CLASSIFIED" written in bold red letters
Me being nosey
I peal off the seal that's preventing anyone to open it
I read the file
"Omg" I say under my breath
As I read I see
[$10 million for selling Star Magazine to Spacegirl Magazine]
I gasp
This can't happen..
I'll be out of work...
I can't work for another magazine
This is the best job I've ever had..
It says
[pending decision on if we should sell]
I sigh & I close the file quickly
when Zoe walks in unannounced
"Okay..Zi...I have some news"
"Star Magazine's thinking of selling to Spacegirl Maga-"
"I know." I say bluntly
"You do? How? I just found out from the CEO" she says crossing her arms
"I kinda read all about it" I say waving the file in her face
"That classified info you weren't suppose to read it!" She says pacing around
"It's not like I broke any rules Zoe chill" I say placing the file down
"Yeah well..you still saw it..so it's a big no-no" she says
"Zoe relax..no one will ever know I read it..but we can't let them sell" I say
"Spacegirl's a popular magazine & face it Zi this magazine is surviving by a plenty few who adore this magazine."
"Then I have a idea!" I say smiling
"What's that?" She asks crossing her arms & sits down on my desk
"Sure you can cross your arms but no your legs right?" I say covering my eyes
She crosses her legs quickly
"That's one bald vagina I saw" I say cringing
"Jack loves it" she says smirking
"I didn't need to know that" I say rolling my eyes
She flips me off
while I search through the laptop
"Okay we can find big celebrities that could help promote the magazine & we'll get more & more people wanting to buy the magazines & THEY WONT SELL" I say
She nods
"I like that. But where could we find a big time celebrity?" She asks
"LOOK AROUND! We're in New York. This state is very popular for celebrities..we have celebrities walking the streets here! We can find many easily" I say
"Fine when will we start this?"
"This afternoon after I clock out" I say
"So by 3:30?" She says
I nod & she leaves...
~after work~
I walk around with Zoe in Manhattan hoping to spot celebrities
I see a woman with blonde hair in front of us
"Ma'am can you please move a little" I say politely
The person turns around & its Kylie Jenner
I gasp
"Omg your Kylie Jenner!" I say
"The one & only" she says flicking her hair
"KYLIE??? WHERE THE HELL IS YOU?" I hear yelling
"I'm here Kim!" She says
I see Kim Kardashian walks towards us
"Thank god your okay. Oh..who are these pretty girls?" Kim asks
"Hi we're editors at Star Magazine we would love it if you guys would do a Photoshoot at our headquarters for our new December issue." I say
"Oh that sounds fun what you think Kim?"
"I have a fashion show to attend but you can do it Kylie"
"Great it's settled I'll call Kendall & tell her to come along too..& maybe Gigi can come"
I squeal quietly as Kylie dials Kendall's number
~at headquarters~
We step into the CEO Thomas Leeves's office
"Sir we have a deal that'll help Star Magazine's publicity go off the charts" Zoe says waving around a signed contract from Kylie & Kendall
"Ladies it's no use..we'll have to sell at some point" he says sighing
"No sir. With this we'll have people buying for years!" I say
"What is the deal?" He asks
We hand him the contract & he reads it
"PERFECT. I'LL HAVE Johnny & Kelsey get their stuff set up. It says they'll do it on November 20th which is in 4 days!" He says excitedly
"So does this mean we're not selling?!?!" I ask
"I'll have a chat with the presidents of the company & see what they think." He says
"Thanks girls" he says as he leaves
Me & Zoe walk out of Star Magazine headquarters praying to god it works..
~the next following month~
"Congrats everyone. Star Magazine isn't selling thanks to Kylie & Kendall Jenner we've been getting celebrities doing photo shoots with us & now our revenue was increased since they popped up in our December issue" Thomas says to all of the workers
Me & Zoe high five each other
"As a thank you this Christmas season you all will be sent away to a ski resort in Colorado for Christmas vacation the big Christmas bonus you all been wanting will be here waiting for you when you get back" he says smiling & steps back into his office
We all cheer
"A trip to a ski resort?" I ask smiling at Zoe
"When do I pack?" I add
She giggles & we head out of the building
I dial up Nate
"Nate we're going to colorado this Christmas vacation!" I squeal
"That's great Babe!"
"Who's watching Jazz?" He asks
"Nobody we're taking her with us"
"Yay..I wanted alone time with you though" he whines
"You'll have it don't worry." I say smirking
"But get ready to pack..we'll be staying at a Colorado ski resort" I say giggling & we hang up
Me & Zoe walk our way home smiling like IDOITS..
Time for Christmas vacation!!....
{~when I lean in for a kiss,you turn your other cheek & you walk away smirking like what?~}
the final chapter is the "Christmas Vacation" chapter
It's been fun writing this book & it's now time for this book to be completed
Interracial fanfiction have helped me express myself through writing
Im so happy to now be apart of the whole "interracial fanfics" category
I love you guys so much
I thank you guys for the love & support you've shown in 8 months
Tagged favs;
Peace & Love💙

Chocolate {~A Nate Maloley  Fanfic~} #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now