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{~song for chapter: Luv-Tory Lanez~}
Zaniya's POV:
My car door flys open as Johnson opens it for me
He helps me out of his car
He holds my hand & walks me to the Italian restaurant he's chosen for the night
We get in & get to our table
I start looking at the menu's but can't help noticing Johnson isn't looking at his
He's instead gawking at me as I read the menu
I lock eyes with him
His crystal blue eyes meet my simple chocolate brown eyes
"Something you like?" I say smirking
He stutters
"I'm sorry for staring..I..well..-"
"Hello welcome to Del Vino I'm Xavier I'll be taking your orders..must I say..madam..you look gorgeous" the exotic cutie with a thick Italian accent says
"Why thank you Bello" I say
I may have learned Italian from studying aboard in High School.
Johnson looks slightly mad that the cutie is paying attention to me
Instead of working
"Well..here's my number.." He whispers
I look down to see him slipping a napkin
with his number written on it
Into my purse
Johnson flips & lets out a yell
"Yo Xavier right? Do your damn job instead of flirting with my date" he says
The waiter backs up slightly
"I'm sorry sir I offended you or did something wrong...I'll change it" Xavier says
I feel bad as he looks scared
Everyone's staring & I feel uncomfortable
I stand in front of Johnson
"Everyone's staring!" I say slightly mad
"So? Your mine & no one is allowed to flirt with you!" He says
"So do you even like me? Because I love you" he blurts out the last part
I stay frozen
"Did you just?"
He nods frozen as well
We order our food to go & we leave the restaurant quietly
As he's driving to Central Park
The tension in the air is so thick
He stays silent throughout the whole drive
I hope this night gets better
I look up to see Thanksgiving billboards
I realize thanksgiving is in a week & a half
I look around to see "Live Street Performers in Times Square"
I tell him to detour to Times Square
~at Times Square~
I'm curled up in my cozy jacket as its freezing outside
I walk around with Johnson holding hands
We already seen street performers
Now we're taking pictures with people dressed up in costumes
I sit down on a bench to relax
Johnson hears a song
Which is "Real Love" by Clean Bandit
He grabs my hand & starts dancing with me
I giggle & he pulls me into his arms
~a while later~
We stood dancing
I hear Adele's sing "All I Ask" play
He sways to the music & dances with me to it
He spins me around to the sweet melody of the song
"All I ask..if this..this is my last night with you." I hear from the loud speakers
Johnson leans closer to me
He grabs my hands & pulls me into his embrace
Which feels so good
"Im sorry for the incident" he says & cups my face
He rubs my cheek a little
I look at him smiling
A slight blush forms on my face
"Johnson..I think I love you too.." I say
"Well then..Zaniya will you be my girlfriend?" He asks as if he's proposing
On his knee & everything
I nod & he kisses me softly
I kiss him back
"Niya dance again with me" he says & we continue dancing to the sweet ballad of Adele..
{~I'm falling..but everyone falls..oops I fell too deep baby..oops I got you for me baby....oops I fell too deep baby...oops I fell too deep..cause.. everyone falls in love...sometimes..I don't know about you....but it ain't a crime...so if you let me...love ya....love ya..love ya...for long time babe..if you let me touch ya & if you let me love ya...till the morn...na na na..~}
Tagged favs;
Any ship name for Zaniya & Johnson?
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Peace & Love💙

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