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{~song for chapter: Blessing-K. Camp~}
Ziah's POV:
~the next day~
I wake up & climb out of bed
I brush my teeth & take a shower
I walk out of the shower to reveal my hair looking very poofy
I brush my hair out & tie it up in a perfect bun
I get dressed in a outfit

I put on very little makeup & put lipgloss on my lips I grab my purse & stuff my phone in my short pockets I put on my white vans & I drink some of my bottled water I walk out of my place with my papersI'm stopping by work to give Zoe my papers so...

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I put on very little makeup & put lipgloss on my lips
I grab my purse & stuff my phone in my short pockets
I put on my white vans & I drink some of my bottled water
I walk out of my place with my papers
I'm stopping by work to give Zoe my papers so far
I arrive at work & Zoe greets me
"You have 2 more days of your weekend off..shouldn't you be out?" She asks
"Yeah..but I wanted to give you this" I say handing her my papers
"Oh..okay!! But I heard your interviewing Nate today right?" She asks
"Yes. But I'm gonna also hang out with him" I say
"That's why I'm dressed so casual" I add
"You look good. The whole little bit of makeup is working for you" she says smiling
She pinched my cheek
"Alright I'll see you in 2 days" she says & kisses my forehead
I smile & I blow her a kiss
I get a cab & pay the driver to get me to the hotel
Nate's POV:
"Cmon guys this unfair" I say pissed
"Dude she's hanging out with you so she'll have to meet us eventually" Gilinsky says his eyes glued on Fifa
Johnson's playing with him
Along with Swazz,Dillion & Sammy
I groan & I hear a knock
"If you guys embarrass me I'll kick y'all out" I say
They roll their eyes
I open the door to reveal Ziah
I smile seeing her
"You look great. Wow." I say
She giggles..
Ziah's POV:
I giggle
"It took me 15 minutes to get ready..the most shortest time I've had in a long time." I say smiling
"I'm guessing you have company.." I whisper in his ear
Referring to the loud boys behind him
He nods
"It's fine." He says
I nod & walk in
All of sudden silence occurs
All of them stare at me
"Well well" a blonde haired guy says
"this is Ziah Jones guys..she's the editor of Star Magazine.."
"We were in one of the issues" I hear
I look over to see Jack Gilinsky & Jack Johnson smiling
I literally leap up
"Omg I interviewed you guys!"
They gasp & run over to me
They hug me
"Ziah? Omg you look great!" Johnson says
I smile & play with his hair
"You look cute Johnson" I say
"Like always" I add poking his cheek
He smirks
Gilinsky stands in front of me
"How's everything?" He asks
"Good I guess..single life is boring" I say
"I kind of wished I had someone to be with." I add
Nate glares over at me
Gilinsky chuckles
"Same" he says
He glances over at me
"Ziah are you busy tomorrow night?"
He asks smiling
"No....not at all..Sunday's are always dull" I say
"How about you come with me to the Movies on Sunday?" He asks smiling
I blush
"Omg Jack! I would love to! It's a date!" I say
He grabs my hand
I see Nate looking slightly annoyed
"Okay let's get into the interview" he says
I nod & Gilinsky winks at me
I blush
~a while later~
"So Nate..explain why-"
"I didn't like that little stunt Ziah" Nate says
"What are you talking about?" I ask
"You & G flirting! When you & me were laughing & smiling last night!" He says
"Nate..Nothing happened we were just talking" I say
"So it's like that...you forget about me once he's around?" He asks
"Ziah make up your mind..are you gonna be with G or me?" He asks
"Nate I'm not dating you or G relax..I need time to think" I say
"Please. After your date you'll choose him because you've known him longer.." He says
"No..you don't know that-"
"I know that!"
"Nate I'm trying to talk but your jealous ass self won't let me!" I say
He looks at me
"Ziah I have major feelings for you..now here's something I have to ask you.."
"Would you like to go on a date with me? I wanted to ask you last night but-"
"Of course." I say smiling
"What about g?" He asks
"I'll tell him to cancel..plus..a date with you sounds..interesting" I say playing with his hair
"Now..can I ask some more questions?" I ask
He nods & giggles
{~aye babygirl..you a blessing..blessing..blessing..the way you talk..you got it..the way you walk...you got it..the way you smile..you got it..and you don't take shit from nobody..~}
Tagged favs;
I love you all💓
Peace & Love💙

Chocolate {~A Nate Maloley  Fanfic~} #Wattys2019Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat