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{~song for chapter: Love On Top-Beyonce~}
Ziah's POV:
~a week later~
I'm at work handling all of the papers on my desk
Which are piling up
Zoe walks in & smirks at me
"I sent the finished interview you did to headquarters..we should hear from them in a couple of days...the magazine will be published next month anyway" she says smiling
"That's great" I say
"Omg where did that come from?" She gasps looking at my finger
I sigh & cover it quickly
Damnit now everyone's gonna know.
"Zoe please don't say anything. I beg of you" I plead
"Why? Your engaged! & I cant say anything?!" She says loudly
while jumping up & down
"Yes you can't. It's Nate who proposed that's why." I say
"Oh like I didn't know" she says crossing her arms
"I heard you guys on that cruise..mmmph..that was some fun you guys had" she says
I groan & cover my face
"Your joking right?" I say
She shakes her head laughing
She sits on my desk
"I have to talk to you" she says
I nod & look at her
"Cross those damn legs" I yell looking away
She laughs & crosses her legs
"Your so ladylike Zoe" I say sarcastically
She flips me off & I roll my eyes playfully
"I like Jack." She blurts out
"You do?" I say
"Yes..but...I'm scared."
"Idk..I'm a confusing person Zi..I need to talk to Jack about it."
"Then why don't you?" I ask
"He's at studio during the night" she says sighing
"Then go with him." I say
"& if anything wear something that'll make his jaw drop" I add giving her a wink
"Thanks Zi for the advice I love you" she says & hugs me
My office phone rings
"Hello?" I say
"Hello miss Jones. There's someone who wants to see you."
"Can you identify the "someone"??" I ask
"Someone named Zaniya"
"That's my sister call her in" I say smiling
Soon enough my clear glass doors fly open
Zaniya runs in
She closes the doors & sits down
"Shouldn't you be in school?" I ask smirking as I scribble onto paper
"Today was a early day & I was bored..plus the apartment was lonely" she says
"Well...over here its always never boring..unless Henry is working..then it is..it gets boring the second he arrives" I say rolling my eyes
"Oh damn" she says laughing
"I wanna work sis" she blurts out
"You do? Niya I can ask Zoe-"
"no not here." She interrupts
I raise a eyebrow
"I wanna work at a bakery..pacifically at Arturo's.." She says
"Well..are you gonna sign up?" I ask
She nods
"I wanna be like you Zi working,independent,worry free-"
"Niya don't be like me. Be yourself & do what you want" I say
"Zi your my big sister I look up to you" she says
"Yeah well..being on your own isn't what it seems be like" I say sighing loudly
"Your not alone anymore..I'm here" she says & hugs me
I hug her back
~after work~
Me & Niya walk into the Starbucks next to my job
"Hello Ziah the usual?" My favorite barista Georgie says smiling
"Yes Georgie you look beautiful btw" I say
She blushes
"Thanks Ziah..& for you miss?" She asks Niya
"I'll have the caramel frappacino" Niya says smiling
"Okay miss with whipped cream? & extra caramel?"
Niya nods & Georgie goes to make our drinks
I grab my money from my wallet & I place it on the counter
"Here you go ladies" Georgie says
"Thank you Georgie how much is the total?"
I hand her the money & she smiles
I slip her a tip
"Omg no Ziah you don't have to"
"My treat." I say
me & Niya leave Starbucks & take the subway back home..
~at home~
I took a shower & got changed into comfy pjs
I tied my hair up in a bun
I start cooking dinner for me & Niya
I lay in bed watching Netflix & eating junk food
A knock on my bedroom door makes me jump
"Who is it?" I ask
"It's me baby" I hear & its Nate's voice
I open the door to see Nate smiling
"I just finished from the studio..wow..you look good" he says
I love his damn smile
I blush & he walks in
He lets out a loud sigh
"Shush you'll wake Niya" I say lowly
"Sorry" he says & sits on my bed
He wraps his arms around my waist after I sit next to him
"I can see your wearing your ring" he says & kisses down my neck giggling a little
I smile & I peck his lips
"Of course." I say & cuddle in his arms
I nuzzle my head a little & lay my head on his chest while watching Netflix
He covers us in my warm soft blanket
He kisses from my head to my forehead
then to my nose & finally kisses my lips
I giggle & I look up to see him playing with my hair a little
My big teddy bear...
{~now everybody asking me why I'm smiling out from ear to ear,nothing's perfect but it's worth it,after fighting through my tears & finally you put me first,baby it's you,your the one that I want,your the one that I need,your the only one that I see,baby,baby,it's you,your the only one that keeps up,your the only one I can always call,with you everything stops,finally you put my love on top..~}
Tagged favs;
Peace & Love💙

Chocolate {~A Nate Maloley  Fanfic~} #Wattys2019Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin