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{~song for chapter: Hope You Understand-Grace~}
Ziah's POV:
~later in the day~
I'm in the car while Zoe's in the CVS
I turn on the heat since I'm cold in this car
Zoe's POV:
I walk through the cvs store
Hoping to find pregnancy tests
which shouldn't be so hard to find
But yet...I can't find any as fast like I thought...
"Looking for something miss?" A worker says chewing on her gum
"Yes pregnancy tests.."
Her face changes from smirking to disgust
"It's for my best friend chill" I say rolling my eyes
"Sure it is" she says rolling her eyes & shows me the aisle
I flip her off while she's walking away
I grab 5 boxes of tests
I stuff it in a shopping cart & I look for little snacks & stuff to help Zi with her nausea
I walk to the cashier with almost a full cart
along with a pack of brand new toilet papers underneath the cart
She snatched a box of pregnancy tests out of my hand rudely
While laughing
I stay silent..
Don't make a scene here Zoe..
"Who's the father" she blurts out randomly
after a long moment of silence & tension between us
"Huh? I said its my best friend who's probably pregnant!" I say
"she's married right? I hope.."
"Yes. now can you continue doing your job instead of chatting" I say
"What's wrong here? Hello miss I'm Liza the manager" the woman
with a red tag on her plain t-shirt says
"Hi Liza I don't like this employee who's named Sarah. She's rude & rather gossip than do her job" I say
She glares at the cashier girl
Who's beyond nervous but also is glaring at me at the same time
"Hand me your name tag & leave...I'll send you your stuff tomorrow morning"
"Whoa like that she's out?" I say surprised
"This isn't the first time." She says rolling her eyes
"It's not your fault miss..here for you troubles..I'll scan these for you & give you those tests & whatever you want free" she says
I smile & hand her the stuff to scan...
The girl hands her the name tag & storms off
"Okay there you go. Have a safe trip" she says & helps me carry the bags outside
"Omg it's night already?" I say shocked at how dark it is
She laughs & walks back inside
Ziah's POV:
Zoe hops into the drivers seat
"Finally" I whine
"Sorry I took forever" she says rubbing my back
"Let's take you home before hubby suspects anything" she adds & we drive off..
~at home~
I got home & I rushed up the stairs
Zoe locks the bathroom door & keeps a eye out for Nate
She's gonna distract him
I rip open the boxes & take the tests out
I sit on the toilet & i pee on all 5 tests
I get nervous as I wait for the bell to ring
signaling it's time to check the results
Zoe is still outside the door
pacing back & forth while biting her nails nervously
I hear the front door downstairs slam
"Hi honey" I hear outside the door
Zoe whispers
"What do I do?"
"Distract him please" I plead
"Hi Zoe where's Ziah?" I hear
"Bathroom. She's taking a shower" she says
"I don't hear no water-"
I turn on the shower quickly
"Oh okay..I'll let her shower..she's been through a lot this week.." He says
I hear footsteps leave the room
The bell rings & I pick up all 5 to check
My eyes water at the sight.....
ALL 5 positive..
I run out & hug Zoe
I muffle my screams by covering my mouth with my hands
~later in the day~
I'm cooking dinner & I told Zoe to go buy washable & non-toxic body paint
to paint my belly with
So she made a excuse she had to change her outfit at home
Nate's on the couch watching football
I'm fascinated at how focused he is
His eyes are so fixated on the tv screen
He must've noticed me staring
He winks at me & blows me a kiss
I smirk & I continue cooking..
~after cooking~
I'm about to set up the plates & Zoe drags me upstairs
"Let's do this now" she says & locks the door
She grabs the paints & raises my shirt up
I hold it in place while she paints the words "soon to be mommy & daddy"
Along with butterflies & mini cars around it
Since I don't know what I'm having yet..
It's so early to find out..
~a while later~
I walk downstairs fixing my shirt every time I move
Hoping my shirt won't hike up & show my painted belly
I sit next to Nate & Zoe sits across from us
I hear a faint knock on the door while I'm eating
I'm about to get up when Zoe shakes her head
"Sit I'll get it" she says & walks to the door
She opens the door & greets the person
I see Gilinsky smile
"Omg Ziah your glowing?!" Gilinsky says raising his eyebrow
"Do y'all hook up before I came?" He asks
Nate shakes his head
"Nah i wish though-"
"OKAY! So...sit down g" I say trying to shut up Nate
Before he could talk about our sex life.
"Nate I have some news" I say looking at him
He looks at me & grabs my hand
"What's up baby?"
I gulp when he said "baby"
"Okay...so...I've been feeling sick lately & I had no clue why so...I went & got tests.."
I raise my shirt up & show my painted belly
His face lights up
"Did you see that? IM GONNA BE A DAD!" Nate says twirling me around
Gilinsky nods
"Yes I wanna be the godfather" he says smirking
"Hell no I rather choose Johnson than you..you'll take the kid to strip clubs" I say
"I won't...-"
"It's better you don't lie baby" Zoe says smirking at him
"Who's side are you on?" He asks smirking at her
I laugh & I raise my eyebrow at them
"Ice cream?" Me & Zoe say at the same time
"Your truly my twin" I say
She giggles
"Yes I am" she says flicking her hair
"We want ice cream!" G & Nate say at the same time
"Get it yourselves!" We say
"Lazy ass" I say referring to Nate
He creeps up behind me & tickles me
"What you called me?" He says giggling
"I'm sorry baby" I say laughing hysterically from him tickling me
As I'm very ticklish
"Okay let's get ice cream now" I say & grab bowels for us..
Great end to a great day...
{~I think of ways to show you,I put it in a song,I hope you understand..~}
#Siah is expecting!!!!😍😍😍😍
What do you think will be the gender???
A mini #Ziah or a mini #Nate ??💭💭💭💭
Tagged favs;
Peace & Love💙

Chocolate {~A Nate Maloley  Fanfic~} #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now