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I walked to the kitchen in order to prepare dinner for the pack, while being careful not to run into any of the pack members. Unfortunately, the moon goddess was not on my side and I ran into Britney, the pack slut.

"What the hell! Can't you watch where you're going? Just because you're human doesn't give you an excuse to be stupid!" she screamed at me.

I didn't want to fight with her and have her get her group of followers to beat me up later, but as I walked away I couldn't help myself.

I whispered quietly to myself, "Just because your name is Britney doesn't give you an excuse for being a bitch."

I guess I didn't whisper it quiet enough, because she turned around. She grabbed me and tossed me to the ground. At this point, a group of people gathered around us to see me get beaten up.

"At least this bitch is wanted by the alpha. Unlike you, the poor excuse of a mate, he, unfortunately, has to deal with. No wonder he rejected you! You know what's really sad is how he can't just kill you or toss you out like the trash you are because his wolf won't let him."

At this point, I snapped. They beat me up because I was human. They have called me everything imaginable and made my life a living hell, but they have never talked about my mate being with another girl. I knew it was true but hearing it was different.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I jumped on her and started to hit her anywhere I could. I wasn't thinking. I wasn't thinking of the fact that she was a werewolf and I was human. I wasn't thinking about the fact that she could easily beat me, but what I was thinking was that she was with my mate and something inside of me told me to hurt her.

When I threw the first couple of punches, she did nothing. She was probably too surprised that a human was stupid enough to start a fight with her, but she quickly got out of that haze and started to hit me back.

She threw punch after punch, kick after kick. I couldn't hit her anymore and the pain caused me to collapse. As I laid on the floor, I curled up into a ball and waited for her to stop, but she continued. The pain was unbearable.

I took a beaten yesterday for not having breakfast ready when they had woken up, and they broke three of my ribs. The pain I felt from my ribs was making it hard for me to breathe. I turned my head, so I didn't have to watch Britney as she beat me into shades of black and blue. As I look to my right, I saw my mate Ace at the back of the crowd staring at me getting beaten up by his pack member. When I looked into his eyes, I thought I saw traces of emotions: regret and concern. But as soon as I saw them they were gone, and in their place was boredom and hatred directed towards me.

That's when I knew that he didn't care if I died at that moment. He didn't care if I died right in front of him. That's when I pleaded in my head for Britney to kill me because for the first time I didn't fear death.

As I was losing consciousness, I saw the beta Nathan, Ace's best friend, run to the front of the crowd. He started to yell something that sounded like orders to someone, but I was already fading into darkness. I didn't feel anything anymore and I thought I had died, but I realized that Britney stopped hitting me.

I started to wonder why but my vision turned black. The last thing I saw before I passed out was Ace's face and the fear of it.


I woke up in the infirmary. I looked around to see if what I saw was true, that Ace cared about me and hopefully he was here. But as I looked around I didn't see him, I knew my hopes were stupid. I probably imagined his fear. Ace was never scared. He wouldn't be the most feared alpha if he was and his pack would never be the strongest if he let others see his fear.

As I drink the glass of water on the table that was left there, the pack doctor came in.

"The alpha wants you outside now." She said not looking me in the eyes.

"Why..." I started to ask her questions. Excited that Ace wanted to see me. Thinking that maybe what he saw yesterday made him realize that he cared about me.

The doctor ignored my questions and walked right back out after leaving a pair of clothes for me. I got dressed and walked outside. I expected to see Ace waiting for me, but I didn't expect him to be surrounded by most of the pack members.

"Ace..." I started to say, confused by what was happening. The pack didn't gather all together unless something important was happening.

"It's alpha to you! First, you disrespected someone in my pack by challenging her and fighting her. Then you go as far as to disrespect me in front of my pack." Ace exclaimed walking while towards me until he was right in front of me.

"As alpha of the Blood Moon pack, I ban you from this pack. Don't come back and don't step foot on the pack's land. If you do you will be killed on the spot," Ace stated, looking me dead in the eyes with no emotion.

I just stood there looking at him, too shocked to move or say anything. Britney came up behind him and hugged him from the back, looking smug about his decision.

"I didn't do anything..." I tried to defend my actions but apparently, he wasn't going to listen to anything I say.

He told two guards to take me to the edge of the pack border and leave me there. They dragged me through the forest kicking and screaming for Ace. Wanting him to help me, begging him to. He didn't care though because he never came.

I was tossed across the border where they left me to rot. They didn't look at me, so they wouldn't have the desire to help me. They knew if they did they would be the next ones banished from the pack.

That's why when they turned to leave I didn't beg for their help, I didn't even look their way. I laid on the ground sobbing for the mate I never got the chance to love and for the life that was torn from my grasp.

I wanted Ace to come for me. Thinking he somehow would realize his mistake and come running to get me, to apologize for his mistake, but he never did before. So, why would this time be different, but like always I waited for him.

I didn't know how long it had been, maybe a day or two, but I finally realized he didn't care about me, not now and not ever. I decided I wasn't going to die here because of my mate. I got up and walked. I didn't know where I was going. I didn't know how I was going to get there. I just kept walking.

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