Chapter 27

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Ryan POV 

I open my eyes to find Louis still sleeping. I smile and snuggle closer to him.

I am about to close my eyes agian when I hear someone coming out of the bunking area.

I lift my head up and see it is Liam. Liam looks over at me and Louis and sees me awake. He smiles and comes over and sits in the chair.

"Hey Li." I whisper.

"Hey Ri." He whispers back.

"What time is it?" I ask him.

Liam looks at his phone. "9:30."

"What time should we wake up the others?" He shrugs and says.

"I don't know."

"What time do we get to the stadium?" I ask him.

"Um....I think Paul said we will be there by 1."

"Ok. Well if its ok with everyone I would like to talk to you guys before we get to the stadium."

He nods. "That's fine. We should probably get the other up now anyway. So they aren't tired when we get there." Liam tells me. I nod.

I go to get up only to be stopped by Louis arms. I look down at him and sigh. I try to get up agian only to have his grip tighten. I look up at Liam.

"Can you help me?" I ask him. Liam laughs.

"Why don't you get him up and I will ge the others up." He tells me. I nod.

Liam walks back to the bunks. I look back down at Louis.

"Lou. Lou. Lou. Louis. Louis. Louis." I say well poking his cheek. I continue to poke his cheek. Suddenly his hand comes up and grabs a hold of my hand. He opens his eyes revealing his beautiful blue-green eyes. I smile at him. He smiles back.

"Why were you poking my cheek?" He ask me in his morning voice.

"Because you needed to get up." I tell him with a shrug. Louis chuckles.

I look in his eyes and get lost in their beauty. I lean down as he leans up. Soon our lips meet. Causing the fireworks to explode in my stomach just like they did the first time we kissed. Our lips move in sync. We pull away and smile.

"I like waking up like that." Louis tells me. I smile at him.

I hear someone coming out form the bunking area. I look at see Liam, Harry, Niall and Zayn all coming out of the bunking area.

They all walk over to us. All of them sit where they did the first time.

"Good morning guys." I tell them sitting up.

"Heyyyyyy. I was comfortable." Louis whines. I laugh at him.

Louis smiles and sits up too and he automatically puts his arm around me and I lean into him. All of the guys laugh.

"Good morning Ri." They say in unison.

"Liam said you were going to tell us what you wanted to talk to us about." Niall says.

"Yeah. Well I didn't mean for him to go wake all of you up." I tell them.

"It's fine Ri. So what did you want to talk to us about?" Zayn says. I sit up straight.

"Ok. So I was thinking about all of the things all of you have done for me. This made me realize that I have no money to even think about paying you guys back. Before any of you say anything I know I don't have to pay you guys back and you probably won't let me but I have no money to buy things for myself or to buy things for anyone else. I feel like I have been leaching off of your guys money and I don't like that. So I need to get a job. I brought this up to Paul and he said that I can help out backstage with just about anything. He said I could end up helping get you guys ready to go onstage. So helping Lou. I could help the stage mangers to make sure that you guys go on when you guys need to. I could help bring you guys to meet and greets. He said I could do whatever they needed help with and get paid. I told him I will talk to you guys about it. I don't want it to be weird for you guys if I work with you guys. Technically I will be working for you guys not with but you guys know what I am talking about. So what do you guys think?" I tell them.

It's quiet for a minute as they take in everything I just said.

"I'm ok with it Ri." Niall says. Liam, Harry and Zayn nod in agreement.

I turn my head and look at Louis.

"If that's what you want to do I am ok with it." He tells me. I smile and he smiles back.

"Ok awesome. I will tell Paul when we get to the stadium." They all nod.

It's quiet for a minute. "I'm hungry." Niall says causing everyone to laugh.

"Of course you are." Liam  teases.

"Lets go get some food." Liam says standing up. We all stand up too.

We follow Liam to the kitchen area. I have never been happier in my life.

I am so happy Anne adopted me. 

Foster Child (Louis Tomlinson)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora