Chapter 25

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Ryan POV 

~time skip it is now march 1st~


I know he is in the doorway of Louis room because of how close his voice sounded when he yelled. I groan and grab the pillow I was ogrinally going to use (Louis chest became my pillow) and throw it in the direction of the door.

"That wasn't nice." Harry complains.

"Oh my god Harry go away." I tell him as I snuggle closer to Louis. I feel Louis chest vibrating as he laughs.

"We are up Harry. We will be right out." I hear Louis say.

I hear the door close as Harry leaves.

"Thank god he is gone now I can go back to sleep." I tell Louis. I feel Louis chest vibrate as he laughs agian.

"Come on babe we have to get up." He tells me.

I finally open my eyes and look up at him. He smiles down at me.

"I don't wanna. I am comfortable." I say in a little kids voice. Louis laughs again.

"We have to the tour bus should be here soon." He tells me.

I groan again but stand up. I stretch. When I get done stretching I feel Louis arms go around my waist (from behind me). I turn my head and look at him. He smiles down at me.

"Good morning beautiful." He whispers in my ear before he kisses me on the cheek.

"Good morning handsome." I tell him before I kiss him on the cheek. He smiles agian and lets go of me.

I walk over to where I've been keeping some if my clothes and pull out a pair of black sweatpants, a white tank top, and one of Louis sweaters.

I go into the bathroom connected to his room and get dressed. When I walk out I notice Louis is in sweatpants and a T-shirt.

He smiles when he sees me I smile back. I slip on some shoes.

"Nice sweater." He tells me with a smirk on his face. I smile at him.

"Thanks. I like it too." I tell him.

Louis walks over to me and grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers together. We walk out of his room.

"You excited to be going on tour?" I ask him as we make our way to the living room.

"Yeah. I love seeing fans from all over the world. What about you? You excited to be going with us?" I smile at him.

"Yeah. I am. But I need to talk to all of you guys later." I tell him. He gets a worried look on his face. I giggle and kiss his cheek.

"Don't worry it is nothing bad." I assure him. Louis breaths a sigh of relief.

"About time you guys are awake." Niall teases as we walk into the living room. I stick my tongue out at him. Everyone laughs at my childish actions.
Before we can say anything Paul comes in.

"The bus is here everyone." He tells us. We all nod and go to get on the bus.

Paul had already put all of our bags on the bus last night. He came to pick up our bags so we didn't have to waste time putting them in the bus today.

We all walk in silence out of the apartment building. We see a HUGE bus outside. All of us climb on the bus.

I am still really tired since it is only 5:30 in the morning. I flop down on the couch that is on the tour bus and the boys laugh at me.

"Tired babe?" Louis ask me. I nod sleepily.

He smiles at me and comes over and flops down next to me. He flops down behind me and pulls me close to him. I cuddle into him and soon darkness comes over me. 

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