Chapter 3

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Ryan POV

~2 days later~ 

Not a whole lot as happened in the past 2 days.

I met Anne's  fiancé Robin. He came home a day after I arrived.

I will admit he scared me at first. Guys tend to scare me a lot more then females do.

After I spent some time with Robin I realized he is a nice guy.

For once in my life I am starting to trust people. I trust Anne more than I trust Robin but I've known Anne longer.

I think I should tell them about my past tonight.

Unfortunately Anne spent money on me to buy me clothes. She bought a lot of them too.

She also bought me a whiteboard with dry erase markers so it's easier to communicate with them.

I am currently laying on my bed which just so happens to be the most comfortable bed I have ever laid on. I look at the alarm clock Anne bought for me and see it is 10:30 am.

I decide to get up. I throw the covers of of me and walk to my door. I look down at my pajamas to make sure they are decent to be seen in. I decide they are since it's just a pair of sweat pants and a tank top.

I grab my marker and whiteboard and head downstairs.

I go into the kitchen to see Anne and Robin in there. I knock on the doorframe to let them know I am there. They look over at me and smile.

Good morning. I write and show them.

"Good morning Ryan." Robin says.

"Good morning sweetie. I made some pancakes for breakfast and put some on a plate for you in the microwave. I didn't know when you would be up." Anne tells me.

Ok. Thank you. After I show her what I wrote I go over to the microwave and grab my plate out of it.

I grab some syrup out of the fridge and go sit at the table.

Once I finish eating I put the syrup back and wash my plate and fork.

"I would of done that." Anne tells me.

I turn around and write. That's ok. I got it.

After thinking about it I add. Um I would like to tell you and Robin about my past now but first you have to promise you won't send me back to the orphanage.

When they read it Anne gasp and looks up at me with wide eyes.

"Are you sure?" She ask. I nod my head then point to the promise part of my message.

"We promise. Right Robin."

"Yeah we promise." Robin says.

I nod and sit at the table agian. Anne sits next to me and Robin sits next to her.

Can I use one of your phones it would be easier then having to turn this around every time it gets full.

Anne nods and hands me her phone. I take a deep breath before writing.

Ok when I was 4 my parents died in a car accident. I was home with the babysitter at the time. None of my family wanted to take me in. They blamed me for the accident because my parents were on their way home to see me. I blamed myself for a while to until I found out it was a drunk driver that killed them. I won't ever drink because of that. Anyway after my parents death I was put in the orphanage. I was first adopted when I was 5. My foster parents at the time had 10 other kids. I never got any attention and one of the older boys would always hit me and watch me in the shower. So one night I went and told my foster parents what was happening but they didn't believe me. They said I was a liar and they don't have liars in their house so they sent me back to the orphanage. Where I was picked on for whatever reason the other kids had for picking on me. At the age of 7 I was adopted again. This foster family was nice at first but then they became really mean. They only fed me once every two days. They would hit me really bad. One of the neighbors called the cops when they heard me screaming one night. I was taken away and sent back to the orphanage. At the age of 8 I was adopted by two guys. I was with them until I was 11. They were terrible people. They would beat me for doing the slightest thing wrong. They always yelled at me. If I did something they thought was really bad they put me in a closet and locked me in it for 3 days. I would get no water and I would get no food. At the age of 9 I stopped talking. This made them really mad and they beat me so bad I was sent to the hospital where they made up some excuse as to what happened to me. Finally when I was 11 a neighbor came over and caught them beating me so she called the cops I was once again sent back to the orphanage. At the age of 12 I was adopted by my last and worst foster family yet. I was with them until I was 14. It was a man, a women and their two sons. At first they were really nice. I was starting to think that they would be my last foster family that they would be like my family. I couldn't have been more wrong. After I was with them for three weeks it's when it all changed. They weren't nice anymore. The father would yell and beat me well the oldest son watched. When I was 13 the mother and youngest son ran away. That's why Miss Morris said I destroy families. The oldest son started beating me too. Miss Morris said I was a slut because at the age of 14 I lost my virginity. The thing is I didn't want to lose my virginity when I was 14. I had just turned 14 and I was still at that terrible house. It was late at night when he came in. The father woke me up and said he had a present for me. Then he took something of mine I will never be able to get back. He took my virginity. He raped me the night of my 14th birthday what a great guy right. After that I ran away. I found the closet police station and forced myself to tell them what happened. I had to talk to them because I didn't have paper or a pen. That was the last time I talked. Anyway I was then taken back to the orphanage where I got picked on. Heather was already there when I got back to the orphanage she thought she was the boss. For some reason she hated well hates me. I got stuck sharing a room with her too. Miss Morris favored Heather. That means Heather got more food, she got more time in the bathroom, she got more things then the rest of us. I ate as little as possible because if I was hungry and ate all of what was on my plate Heather would call me a fat ugly slut. This went on for 2 years. Then Anne showed up and adopted me and I am really glad you did Anne. I feel like I finally have a home. Which is something I've never had. I trust you fully Anne. You have somehow in the very short time I have known you you have gained all of my trust. Robin you are almost there. I trust you more then I trusted any other guy that has came into my life. I can't thank you guys enough. Thank you. You guys helped safe my life. I can't wait to meet your son if he is anything like you Anne.

I hand the phone back to Anne. When she reads it her eyes get watery.

Once she is done she is crying. I stand up just as she stands up.

Robin grabs the phone and starts reading it.

Anne hugs me and I hug her back. I close my eyes and hug Anne tighter.

I don't hear the door open and I don't hear them enter the room. Robin soon joins our hug.

"Mum." We hear a voice say.

We let go of each other and my eyes widen and my breathing quickens.

Standing in front of us is who I am assuming is Anne son and his bad behind him and he is holding Anne phone which has everything about my past on it. 

Foster Child (Louis Tomlinson)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя