Chapter 19

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Louis POV 

I wake up and look at the alarm clock by my bed. 10:30 am.

I sigh and look down. I smile when I see Ryan cuddled up to me sleeping. I decide its time to get up and I don't want to be a creep and watch Ryan sleep.

I gently move Ryan so I can get up. She stirs a little but doesn't wake up. I smile at her one more time before walking out of my room.

I walk down the hall and head to the kitchen. I chuckle once I see the living room.

Liam is sleeping face down on the couch. Niall and Zayn are cuddled up on the floor. I shake my head and go to the kitchen. I make some tea.

As I am pouring my tea in my cup Harry comes running in the kitchen. I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Lou do you know where Ryan is? I looked in her room and she's not there. I heard someone in the kitchen and I hoped it was you." I chuckle a little at him.

"Haz relax she is asleep in my room." He sighs.

"Ok. Wait why is she in your room?"

I shrug. "She knocked on my door this morning at like 2 and asked if she could sleep in my room with me because she didn't want to be alone because of the nightmares she has." I explained to him.

Harry nods then smiles. "Dude ask her out already."

I felt heat rise to my cheeks and looked down. "I doubt she is ready for a relationship right now with everything she has went through."

Before we can say anything else a voice speaks up from behind us.

"That's where you are wrong lad. She is ready." Me and Harry turn to see Zayn standing in the doorway.

"How do you know?" I question him.

"I asked her." He shrugs like it is the most obvious answer as he walks over to get some tea.

Me and Harry are now facing him with our backs to the doorway.

"What did she say?" Harry asks.

"When I asked her when she would be able to date she said that she didn't because she knows that not all guys are like that." Zayn tells us.

Before we can say anything else something hits Harry in the head.

"Ow." He says as we turn to see Ryan standing in the doorway.

She looks like she just woke up. She is still in her pajamas and her hair is a little messed up but she still looks beautiful.

"Did you throw a marker cap at me?" Harry ask bending down to pick something up.

He stands back up straight and in his hand is the cap to a black dry erase marker. Ryan nods her head.

"Why would you do that?" Harry ask. She writes something on her whiteboard and then she turns is around.

I had to get your attention somehow. Why were you guys talking about me dating?

I look at Harry and Zayn and see both of them have a smirk on their faces. My eyes widen and before I can say anything Harry starts talking.

"We will let Louis explain that to you. Come on Zayn lets give them some time." He says grabbing Zayn's arm and dragging him along.

Ryan moves out of their way just as Liam and Niall appear in the doorway.

"Nope sorry lads you can't come in here right now." Harry says pushing them back slightly.

They raise their eyebrows but they shrug and follow Harry and Zayn.

Ryan looks over at me and raises her eyebrows. I chuckle and shrug.

Ryan tilts her head to the side and looks at me with her eyebrows still raise waiting for me to explain what the hell just happened.

I quickly turn around and busy myself by washing my cup out. I hear her huff and hold back a laugh. I can hear her move to somewhere in the kitchen. The next thing I know something hard hits me in the back of my head.

"Ow." I say as I turn to look at Ryan. She has one of her beutiful smiles on her face.

I look down and see the same marker cap that hit Harry by my feet.

"Why?" Is all I ask her.

You were trying to avoid telling me why you guys were talking about me dating. I read as she turns her whiteboard around.

"What no I wasn't."  I tell her. She just raises an eyebrow at me. As if she was saying 'really'. I take a deep breath.

"Do you really want to know because I don't think it is important." I tell her. Ryan nods her head and I sigh.

"Ok fine. We were talking about you dating because asked where you were because you weren't in your room and I told him you were in my room." I start I take a deep breath before continuing.

"He asked why and I told him why you were in there. Then he said that I should ask you out already. I told him that you wouldn't be ready to date yet and then Zayn came in and said that you are and you know the rest." I told her all in one breath and I said it quickly.

I don't know if she got all of that. Ryan looked at me for about a minute before writing something down.

Why would they say that? I read. I look at her and notice she has a small smirk on her face.

She figured out that I like her and now she just wants me to say it. I gulp before I start speaking again.

"BecauseIlikeyoumorethanafriend." I say really fast. I look down for a second before looking back up at her.

She smiles at me and writes something else. That's good to know because I like you more than a friend too. When I read that I smile at her.

"Really?" I ask trying not to let my excitement show in my voice. Ryan nods and smiles at me. I smile back.

"So will you go on a date with me?" I ask her and hold my breath.

I don't know I will have to check my calendar to make sure I don't have any hot dates. I read what she wrote and look up at her with raised eyebrows.

I'm kidding relax. But seriously I would love to go on a date with you Louis. I smile as I read that.

"Really?" I ask her. Ryan nods.

"Great. Be ready by 7." I tell her. She smiles and nods.

We hear the boys start cheering. Both of us roll our eyes before we laugh.

I watch her as she walks to the doorway. Ryan turns and looks at me over her shoulder.

She smiles and waves at me. I chuckle but wave back. I watch as she disappears into the living room.

I can't believe I am finally going on a date with Ryan. 

Ryan POV 

I can't believe I am finally going on a date with Louis.

Foster Child (Louis Tomlinson)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora