Chapter 7

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Louis POV 

I look down at Ryan sleeping on my chest and smile at her. She is really beautiful inside and out.

She looks so peaceful when she sleeps like everything in her past never happened.

Ryan is funny, smart, beautiful, fun, and she can be very childish but she can also be very serious. She is truly amazing.

I want nothing more than to be able to call Ryan mine. I wish she would talk. I bet her voice is beautiful. When she laughs (even if its not loud) it sounds like angels singing. I bet her voice would be music to my ears.

"We are here lads." Liam voice says breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Can you guys get all of Ri's things she is sleeping and I don't want to wake her up." I whisper to them. They all agree.

Careful not to wake her I move her off of me. I get out of the car.

I turn around and pick her up bridal style. She stirs alittle before snuggling into my chest and gripping my shirt.

"Don't forget her whiteboard." I whisper to the lads. I walk into the building. I go to the elevator and press the button for the doors to open.

Once inside I press the button for the top floor. The ride up is very short. Once the doors open up I step out and go all the way to the last door in the hallway.

Very carefully I unlock the door (which was really difficult) and open it. I walk inside and go to the couch. I gently lay Ryan down on the couch.

I go to stand up but she still has a hold of my shirt. I try to pry her fingers off of my shirt but she just holds it tighter. The lads walk in with all of Ryan's things when I am still hovering over her trying to get her to release my shirt.

They take her things to the guest bedroom before coming back to the living room. I still haven't got Ryan to let go of my shirt.

"What are you doing?" Harry ask me.

"She won't let go of my shirt." I whisper to him. He chuckles.

"We are heading home we will probably be back tomorrow later lads." Liam says. Niall, Liam, and Zayn all leave after we say goodbye to them.

"I don't think you are going to get her to let go. You might as well just sit with her until she wakes up." Harry tells me. I nod and I pick her back up. I sit down on the couch and then lay her down on the couch. Her head goes to my lap and she wakes up a little.

She releases my shirt and snuggles into me. I smile down at her and start playing with her pitch black hair.

"You like her don't you." Harry says. I look up at him.

"Of course I like her she is your adoptive sister." I tell him.

"You know what I mean and she is my sister." I sigh and look down at Ryan before looking back at Harry.

"I really like her Haz but I want you to know that I won't try anything." I tell him.

"You should." I look at him with wide eyes.

"What?!?" I ask him. He chuckles.

"I would rather have you date Ryan then some total dick dating her. Plus I can see how happy she is around you and after everything she's been through I want nothing more than her to be happy. I also know you won't hurt her." I look at him with a surprised expression. He chuckles at my expression before standing up.

"Well I am going to bed its almost midnight." He walks by me before stopping.

"Think about it Lou. If you want to date Ri then I have no objections." I nod my head still surprised. He smiles at me and I smile back.

"Goodnight Boo-bear."

"Night Haz." I watch as Harry dispappears into his room.

I look down at Ryan and smile. I figure I will be here for the night so I move Ryan so I can lay down. Once I am laid down I put my arms around Ryan and pull her close to me. She snuggles into my chest agian and grabs a hold of my shirt. I soon fall asleep with dreams of Ryan. 

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