Chapter 18

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Ryan POV 

At 9:30 Liam walks into the apartment.

I lift my head from Louis shoulder and look at him. Liam has a big smile on his face and he plops down on the chair.

When he plops down he sighs. I look at all the other boys and raise my eyebrows. They all shrug and we turn back to Liam.

"Liam what's got you all smiley?" Zayn ask. Liam looks over at Zayn.

"Oh noting just thinking about my girlfriend." Liam says with a sparkle in his eyes. My eyes widen and I jump away from Louis and jump on Liam. I wince as I do so.

Liam chuckles and looks down at me. "Excited much Ri?" He ask. I nod my head frantically and wince as I move to try and get comfortable.

"Regretting moving so much and so fast?" Liam ask. I nod a little. All the boys laugh. I look up at Liam.

"You want to know what happened don't you?" He ask me. I smile and nod.

"Won't Lilly tell you everything?" I nod and grab my phone from my pocket.

But that's not going to be until tomorrow. I am excited and I want to know tonight. He laughs.

"Ok I will tell you." I smile up at him.

"Ok so I brought her to this causal yet romantic Italian restaurant. We ate and talked. When we finished eating she thought she was going to pay but I clearly wouldn't let her. After we left the restaurant I didn't want the date to be over so I asked her if she wanted to go for a walk. She said yes and we ended up walking in a park. I got to know her even better than before and let me tell you she is amazing in every single way. We talked. We laughed and her laugh is so beautiful. We walked hand in hand through the whole park. Well some of the park. It took me a little bit to get the courage up to hold her hand. Anyway when we were done walking in the park I drove her home. I walked her to her door and I was going to ask her to be mine and kiss her but I chickened out. So I sat in my car for like five minutes in front of her house before I got out and went back to her door. I knocked on her door and she opened it. I knew if I didn't kiss her right when she opened her door then I wouldn't have been able to do it. So when she opened the door and grabbed her and kissed her. She was shocked at first but she kissed me back. After the kiss I leaned my forehead against hers and asked her to be mine. She then made me really happy when she said yes. I kissed her goodnight and instead of going to my apartment I figured everyone would still be here so I came here." Liam tells me.

The whole time he was talking he had a smile on his face and a sparkle in his eyes. He was really happy.

I smiled at him and hugged him (trying to be careful of my ribs). He hugged me back. I let go of him and smiled one more time at him before I got off of him and went back to my spot by Louis.

"Liam you sounded like a girl." Harry says. Which causing the other three to start laughing. Liam blushes and looks down.

I glare at the boys and smack Louis chest.

"What?" He ask as I throw my dry erase marker at Harry. It hits him in the chest. He looks up at me.

"What was that for?" He ask.

Leave him alone. I thought it was cute. Maybe you guys can learn something from Liam. I write on my phone and show Louis so he can read it out loud.

He does and they all look at me. I shrug and smile at Liam. He smiles back. It gets quiet for a minute before Harry breaks it again.

"Well I am going to bed. I think we all should go to bed its been a long day. You guys can stay here or go home it's up to you." He says as he gets up. I nod and stand up too.

I hug all the boys goodnight before going to my room. It's the same as when I left.

I change into pajamas and climb in bed. I lay awake until 2 o'clock in the morning. I don't want to fall asleep because I know that I will have nightmares.

I get off my bed and quietly walk out of my room. I never heard the boys leave so they must still be here.

I slowly and quietly make my way across the hall to Louis room. I softly knock a few times on the door before I hear some movement.

The door opens a few seconds later to reveal a shirtless Louis.

"Ri? What are you doing up?" He ask me in his amazing morning voice. I force my eyes off his shirtless body and look up at him before writing a message on my phone.

Sorry to wake you but was wondering if I can sleep in here with you tonight? Because I get real bad nightmares and the only time I didn't get them was the night you stayed with me. I can sleep on the floor if you would like. I show him my phone. He reads it and smiles at me.

"Relax Ri. Of course you can sleep in here and you aren't sleeping on the floor. You can sleep on the bed with me. Oh and don't worry about waking me up. If you need anything from me I don't care what time it is you can ask me." I smile at him and he smiles back.

He turns around and walks to his bed. I walk in and close the door. I go over to the bed and climb in next to him.

I scoot over until I am right next to him and lay my head on his chest. He carefully wraps his arms around me.

"Goodnight Ri." He whispers before he kisses the top of my head.

I smile and snuggle closer (even tho it is impossible) to him. For the first time since Louis stayed with me in the hospital I fall into a deep sleep with no nightmares.

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