Iain had fallen asleep in the tent so Ainsley went down to the lake. She got her T-shirt off which showed her bikini. She dived in.

Ainsley felt someone grab her waist. She turned to see Cal. Cal kissed her lips gently. Ainsley kissed back and she felt Cal take off her bikini shorts. Cal and Ainsley began to have sex.

Jordan laid down in the tent. Jason smiled at her. He sat in the small corridor bit between the two tent rooms. Sam noticed him and sat down with him.
"Iain's asleep," Jason said. Sam nodded. He smiled at Jordan.
"You're looking well," Sam told Jordan.
"Thanks," Jordan said. She looked at Jason and laid a hand on her scarf. Jason nodded. Jordan took her scarf off and smiled.
"I want to be myself on this trip," Jordan said. "I'll put on the scarf or wig if I'm cold."
Sam nodded. He went to grab a beer. Jordan cuddled into Jason. "Love you."
"Love you too."

Ainsley pulled away from Cal. "I think that's the first time we've ever done it in water," Ainsley mumbled.
Cal smirked and pulled Ainsley up against him. "It's not going to be our last either. I'm doing you again," Cal said.
"Bring it on."
They heard someone call Ainsley. Cal hid under the water and Ainsley got out. It was Iain. He had woke up.
"Tonight we're skinny dipping," Iain whispered. Ainsley grinned. Iain looked down and noticed Ainsley's bottoms weren't done up properly.

Cal watched as Iain and Ainsley walked off together. He sighed and got out of the water.

Ainsley seen Jordan coming back from the forest. She looked weak. Ainsley ran to her and helped her over.
"You look lovely," Ainsley said. Jordan hadn't put anything on her head.
"My hair is growing back slowly. I'm on tablets starting Monday," Jordan said.
"That's brilliant."
Iain looked at Ainsley. "Why weren't your bottoms done up properly?"
"Oh. I had to pee," Ainsley lied.
"Oh baby. What a turn on."
Ainsley grinned and kissed him.

When they got back to the tent, Ainsley grinned at Sam. She knew he loved her too. "I'm erm, going for a shower," Sam said.

Ainsley snuck off to the male shower blocks. She had grabbed a condom from her bag. She followed Sam.
Sam was in the shower cubicle. There was no one else there. She opened the curtain. Sam jumped and tried to hide himself but stopped when he seen Ainsley.
"Hey," he said. Ainsley took off her clothes and got inside. She kissed him passionately.

Jordan and Jason wanted to have their first time properly together.
"Cal and Sam are talking and making lunch," Jason said. Jordan nodded. Jason zipped up the room door and kissed Jordan gently. Jordan kissed back and grinned. "Condom."
"Got one."

Cal went to talk with Iain. "So, what's happening tonight?"
"We're all going pub," Iain said.

Ainsley handed Sam the condom. "Keep it slow."
"Cause I want you like never before," Ainsley said.
Sam went slow with Ainsley. Ainsley smiled. It felt perfect.
"This is amazing," Ainsley said. Sam grinned. Ainsley kissed his chest gently.

They finished and Ainsley left. She went towards the tent. Iain smiled.
"Nice shower?" Iain asked.
"Yeah. Just to freshen me up a bit," she said. She went into the tent to get a towel for her hair. She heard Jordan and Jason. She smiled. She left quietly and wrapped her hair up in the towel.
"Don't go in," Ainsley said to Cal and Iain.
"One word."
Both men were confused. Ainsley rolled her eyes. "They're having sex."

Ainsley went to get ready for the pub. She couldn't find anything to wear. She began throwing her clothes everywhere.

Everyone watched as Ainsley's went flying out the tent. "Ains? What you doing?" Iain asked.
"I cannot find my LBD!" Ainsley yelled.
They heard Jordan and Jason moan together. Ainsley smiled slightly. Iain found what Ainsley was looking for.
"Help me get changed," Ainsley said. Iain smirked and pulled her into their room.

Jordan and Jason kissed passionately. Jordan got changed into her clothes for the pub. Jason zipped up her dress.
"People will judge me if I don't wear a wig," Jordan mumbled.
"If you don't want to wear anything on your head then don't. You're beautiful either way," Jason told her. Jordan kissed him passionately.
They kissed and left the tent. Cal looked at them and smiled. "Have fun?"

Ainsley wasn't able to find the right dress. She looked at Iain. "You've hidden it haven't you?"
"It's there!"
"No! The shorter one!" Ainsley complained.
Iain searched through the bags and found it. Ainsley grinned and put it on. Iain bit his lip.
"Let's go," Ainsley said.

They went out of the tent and seen Jordan.
"You're gorgeous," Ainsley said. Jordan smiled. She hugged Ainsley tightly. Jordan had her scarf in her bag in case she needed it.

They got to the pub and Ainsley ordered an orange juice and so did Jordan. People were looking.
"Maybe I should put the scarf on," Jordan mumbled.
"Don't. Screw the haters," Ainsley said. Jordan smiled and nodded.
Ainsley went over to the bar. "Ooo, can I have a burger and fries please? Extra tomato sauce."
"Sure good looking. I'll bring it over."

Iain smiled. "Where you been?"
"Burger and fries. Obvs."
Iain smirked and began kissing her neck. Ainsley saw both Sam and Cal looking uncomfortable. "Babe, stop. Save it for tonight," Ainsley said.
"Oh I will," Iain replied.
Jordan cuddled into Jason. He held her tightly. Ainsley smiled at them.
"What would you like?" Ainsley asked Jordan. Jordan shook her head. She hadn't had much of an appetite.
"Try to eat something babe," Jason told her.
"She can share my fries," Ainsley said. She moved over beside Jordan. The bartender gave her the meal. Iain, Cal, Jason and Sam ordered their meals too.

Everyone shared with Jordan. She smiled and ate small bites. Jordan felt sick. She shook Jason's arm. He lifted her up and carried her to the disabled toilet. She threw up. Jason rubbed her back. Jordan had been off chemo for a week now.
"What's making you sick?" Jason asked gently. Jordan went into hysterics. She was crying hard. Jason cleaned her up and rang Ainsley.

Ainsley came in. Jason flushed the toilet and left so they could talk.
"What's wrong honey?" Ainsley asked.
"I'm pregnant. I can't take my medication now. I don't want the cancer to come back but I don't want my baby to be hurt," Jordan sobbed.
"Does Jason know?" Ainsley asked. Jordan shook her head. She helped Jordan up and took her back to the table. Jason was at the bar ordering more drinks. Sam, Cal and Iain helped Jordan sit down. She laid against Iain. She was feeling so weak again. Ainsley stood beside Jason at the bar.
"Is the cancer back?" Jason asked quietly. Ainsley smiled.
"No but when we get back you'll have to ring her cancer doctor," Ainsley said. Jason frowned.
"She's pregnant Jason. With your baby. She doesn't know if the medication will affect the baby so she doesn't want to take it. But she knows she needs to go on tablets to finish off the cancer course," Ainsley said. Jason smiled widely.
"I'll ring them at the tent," Jason said. Ainsley smiled. She helped to carry over the glasses. When Jason sat down Jordan shuffled over to him. Ainsley smiled knowing they were in love.

Ainsley looked at Sam, Cal and Iain. She knew she was in love with all three of them but she didn't know which one truly loved her more. Ainsley knew her life was going to get more complicated.

A/N - The final book in this series is Feelings In A&E. I'll be ending this one on chapter twenty/twenty five.

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