Chapter Three

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No one had been able to believe that Masdison had died. She was a bright and beautiful little girl. Someone had to tell Ainsley that she had died.

Ainsley had fully recovered from her injuries. She was allowed home. She didn't know about Madison yet and no one had told her.

That morning, Ainsley saw Iain sitting with her. "Where's Madison?" She asked.
"She's gone to heaven," Iain said. Ainsley burst out crying and screaming. 

Iain held her tightly. Jordan couldn't bear to see Ainsley like that. She went outside to get some fresh air.

Ainsley cried into Iain. Iain kissed the top of her head. Ainsley grabbed his face and kissed him.
Iain kissed her back. The kiss began to get heated but Ainsley pulled away. "Sorry."
"It's fine."
Ainsley wiped away her tears. "I lost my Madi," she sobbed.
"Shh. She's gone to a better place," Iain told her.
"I want her back."

Jordan went on the phone to the children's hospital. She wanted to know why Madison had died when she was supposedly healthy and recovering. "Hi, my name is Jordan Owen. I'm a doctor at Holby City ED. I'm calling on behalf of Madison Turner."
"Oh yes. Madison. She's on the recovery ward. She's out of theatre."
"I thought Madison had died."
Jordan hung up the phone and went to see Ainsley.

Ainsley was crying into Iain. Iain smiled at Jordan. Jordan went inside.
"Hey," Jordan said to Ainsley. Ainsley sniffed and smiled Jordan.
"Hey chick."
"Madi isn't dead," Jordan said. Ainsley looked at Jordan.
"What?" Ainsley said. Jordan nodded.
"There was a receptionist at the Children's Hospital. She was apparently imcompetent and she got it muddled up. "Our Madi is still alive."
Ainsley broke down crying.

Ainsley had been discharged so Sam took her home. "Look, I'm staying at my place for a while. I'll see you soon."
"Oh. Okay. See you then," Ainsley mumbled.
Ainsley didn't want to be alone. She hadn't been alone since the crash. She was terrified.
She text the first person that she thought of - Iain. Iain had agreed to spend the night there.

Iain didn't tell Jordan. He said he was spending the night with Cal.
"Okay babe. See you tomorrow," Jordan said. She kissed him and he kissed the kids before leaving.
Iain arrived at the house. Ainsley let him in. "Thanks for coming. I didn't want to be alone."
"It's fine beautiful. Are you alright?"
Iain sighed and they sat together.

Ainsley handed Iain a glass of vodka. "Come on Mr Dean. Get drunk with me," Ainsley said.
Iain laughed and they began downing shots.
Ainsley and Iain were completely drunk. Ainsley pulled him upstairs and into the bedroom.

Iain and Ainsley made out. Iain started to undress her. Ainsley giggled and pulled him close to her.

Jordan laid in bed and text Iain.
"Can't wait to see you tomorrow. Love you xxx"
Iain sighed and ignored the text. He knew what he was doing was wrong but he wanted Ainsley.

Cal went to see Ainsley to see if she was okay. He knew how he had been acting was wrong but he couldn't help it.

When he got there, he saw Iain's car which confused him slightly. Instead, he looked through the glass on the front door and could make out discarded clothes. He assumed it was Iain and Jordan until he saw Ainsley's thongs.
Cal stormed in and went upstairs. He opened the door and seen Ainsley and Iain lying on the bed after sex.
"You dirty pigs!" Cal spat. He knew they were drunk.

Cal made them drink coffee to sober them up. He didn't want to be the one to tell Jordan.
"What the hell are you playing at?"
Ainsley grinned. "What do you care?"
"I care about you both."
"Piss off Caleb. You're needed with your girlfriend," Ainsley slurred. She stood and took Cal to the door. "Don't come here again."

Iain and Ainsley were sitting on the sofa. Both had sobered up slightly. "Did you regret that?" Ainsley asked.
"No. Did you?"
"Not at all."
They smiled and kissed each other.
"Be my girlfriend," Iain said. Ainsley smiled.

*The Next Morning*
Ainsley and Iain woke up in each other's arms. They kissed passionately.
"I hope I can marry you some day," Ainsley said. Iain smiled.
"Me too."
Ainsley got Iain to roll over on his stomach. She smiled and traced the tattoo while looking at her pert bum.
"You're beautiful," Ainsley said to him.
"As are you."
"I'm not. I'm hideous," Ainsley mumbled.
"No you're not."
Ainsley rolled her eyes. She kissed him again. "We should keep this between us for now. Yeah?"
Iain nodded. "Until we've got things sorted."

Iain had gone to grab a shower. Ainsley heard the front door opening. "Ainsley?"

It was Jordan. Ainsley quickly gathered up Iain's discarded clothes and hid them. She quickly ran into the bathroom. "Ains?"
"Jordan is here. I need to get undressed quickly and pretend you're someone else," Ainsley said.

Iain watched Ainsley undress and got turned on.
Iain smiled and rubbed himself.
"Keep quiet if you're going to do that," Ainsley joked. She kissed him and left.

Jordan came up the stairs. Iain locked the door behind Ainsley.
"Hey chick," Ainsley said.
"Sorry I disturbed you," Jordan mumbled.
Ainsley smiled. "It's okay. What's wrong?"
"I rang Cal up to ask when Iain was coming home... Iain wasn't with him. He's cheating on me!" Jordan sobbed.
"Sweetie. I'm so sorry."
"I thought he loved me."
Ainsley felt bad. She looked at Jordan. "It'll be alright. I'm here for you."

Iain needed to get into the bedroom. He had his phone and text Ainsley -
"Sneaking 2 bedroom. Jordan asks, it's a friend who stopped over - Ixx"

Ainsley read the text and smiled. She heard the bedroom door closing. "Who's that?"
"Just a friend from Uni. Mike," Ainsley lied.
"Oh. Sorry I'm disturbing you."
"You're not chick."
Ainsley held Jordan tightly and kissed her cheek. Jordan smiled.
"Thanks. I'm glad I can trust you not to take my men," Jordan joked. Then she stopped laughing. Ainsley swallowed hard.

"What's wrong?" Ainsley asked.
Jordan shot up. "I know who's sleeping with Iain!"
"Who?" Ainsley stuttered.
"Rita!" Jordan spat. She stormed out of the house. Ainsley watched her drive off. She ran upstairs to Iain.
"She thinks it's Rita who's sleeping with you," Ainsley said.
Iain sighed and pulled Ainsley onto the bed. "Go and lock the door."

Jordan had confronted Rita. She said it was Sam who was sleeping with Iain. Jordan was fuming.

Iain was pleasuring Ainsley. She was loving it. She loved Iain so much.

Jordan went to Sam. Sam said it was her. But Sam was only doing it to try to get Iain back from Jordan.

Jordan went home and packed up Iain's stuff. She threw it out the door and locked the doors.

*Three Months Later*
Iain had moved into Ainsley's spare bedroom but he slept in Ainsley's bed with her. Jordan had kicked him out when she had told him about Sam. He was just glad she didn't know he was having an affair with her best friend.

That morning, Ainsley woke and saw Madison sitting on the bed. She was fully recovered. "Why uncle Iain in your bed?" She asked.
"Because we were watching a movie and we fell asleep," Ainsley lied. She hated lying to her daughter but it had to be done. Madi nodded and cuddled into her mum. Ainsley kissed her cheek.

Jordan woke and cried again. She had cried herself to sleep. She was ill and would get weaker. She was too embarrassed to go for treatment.

Jordan dropped the kids at daycare and then went to Ainsley's house. She didn't know who else to talk to.
Ainsley had the pregnancy test in her hand. She was terrified of the result. She wanted Sam by her side but she loved Iain.

The door knocked so she threw the pregnancy test in the bathtub and went to answer the door. Iain was asleep in bed and he was naked. Ainsley answered the door to see Jordan. "J-Jordan? What's wrong?"
"I didn't know who else to go to," Jordan sobbed. Ainsley held her and brought her inside.

They sat in the living room. Ainsley comforted Jordan.
"Talk to me honey," Ainsley said.
"I'm going to get unwell," Jordan said. Ainsley frowned.
"What's wrong?"
Jordan cried. "I had a night with Jez and now I have an STD from him. I'm ill already and I'm scared to get treatment. I'm embarrassed to get help."
Ainsley sighed. "Chick. For me, go and get help."
"I can't. The kids. Iain will never come back to me," Jordan sobbed.
Ainsley felt her heartbreaking. Jordan knew Iain was staying with her but she assumed they were sleeping in different beds. "Sweetie, you need to go and get help. It will be fine."
Ainsley nodded. "Okay sweetie. What I need you to do is go home and make an appointment. I'll go with you," she said.

Jordan had gone so Ainsley went upstairs to Iain. He was awake and naked. "Wow. That's a very nice sight," Ainsley teased.
Iain smirked and kissed her. Ainsley laid on the bed with him.
"I need to tell you something important," Ainsley said. Iain frowned but nodded. "Jordan is ill."

Jordan got an appointment. She text Ainsley the time and place. She was shaking. She cried and curled up on the sofa.
Ainsley text back -
"I'll be with you chick. - Axx"

Jordan smiled slightly. She loved Ainsley to bits and was glad they'd met. She looked at Thomas who was playing with his cars.

Ainsley had forgotten about the pregnancy test. She needed to go and take it. "I'll be back in a minute."
Iain kissed her before she went into the bathroom.

Ainsley took the test and it was positive. Ainsley was pregnant. With Iain's baby. "Oh shit," Ainsley mumbled.
"You okay?" Iain asked.
"Yeah. It's just Jordan," Ainsley mumbled. She left the bathroom after washing her hands.

Iain held Ainsley.
"What's wrong with Jordan?" Iain asked.
"She's ill with an std," Ainsley admitted. Iain couldn't believe it.

Jordan and Ainsley met at Holby City hospital. Raf was going to be Jordan's doctor. Jordan was shaking.
"You'll be okay chick," Ainsley said. Jordan just nodded. Raf went over to them.
"Okay Jordan. We're ready for you now," Raf said. Jordan nodded.

They went inside. Jordan took off her bottom half and got on the bed. While Raf examined her she cried. Jordan held Ainsley's hand tightly.
"Shh chick," Ainsley said. Raf quickly finished up and bagged all the examination stuff to get tested.
"That's you Jordan," Raf said. Jordan got dressed again and finished off the appointment.

Ainsley and Jordan went back out to the waiting area to go home. Ainsley was talking to Jordan when she collapsed. Raf ran out when he heard Ainsley scream.
"Right, it's dehydration. She'll be alright in a few minutes."
Ainsley nodded. She held Jordan's hand. "Come on chick. You'll get through this. I know you will."

Iain stayed with the kids. He went into the bathroom and saw the pregnancy test. He picked it up and saw the word 'positive'.
Iain swore and knew what was wrong with Ainsley earlier. He rang her but there was no answer.

Jordan was put on a drip in a private room. Ainsley held her hand.
"Feeling better chick?" Ainsley asked. Jordan nodded.
Jordan smiled weakly. "Yeah. A bit."
"That's good."
"I know about you and Iain having an affair," Jordan admitted.
Ainsley paled. "Y-You... You know?"
"Yeah. The cum stains were obvious," Jordan mumbled. She was too weak to care. "Just don't give up on me. I need you here."
"I'm so sorry sweetie. I never meant for it to happen," Ainsley sobbed.
"It's fine. I forgive you."
Ainsley wiped her eyes. "I promise that I'll be here for you. No matter what," she said.

Jordan was sitting up. "Is it serious between you?" She asked.
Ainsley sighed. "I'm pregnant," Ainsley mumbled.
Jordan tried not to cry. She smiled through her tears.
"You okay?" Ainsley asked.

Tears fell from her eyes. Ainsley held Jordan. Iain ran in with the kids.
"Jordan are you okay?" Iain asked.
"Fine," Jordan said. "I know by the way."

Iain sighed and sat beside Ainsley. They held hands.
"I'm sorry. I love her," Iain said. Ainsley smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Well, congratulations."
Ainsley felt bad for Jordan. "Have you seen David checking you out?" She asked.
Ainsley nodded. "Yeah! He always asks me about you."

Jordan had fallen asleep. Ainsley and Iain went to the bathrooms on Darwin. "I want you now," Ainsley mumbled.
Iain smirked and pulled Ainsley into a cubicle.

David had heard about Jordan. He went to the main hospital to see her. He went into her room. She was waking up.
"Hey," Jordan mumbled. David smiled widely.
"Hello," he said.

David and Jordan were talking. Jordan really liked him."Are you okay?" David asked. He sat in Ainsley's seat.
"I'm fine thank you," Jordan replied. She smiled at him. "Thanks for visiting me."
"You're welcome."

Iain and Ainsley left the cubicle. Connie was standing there. "Ainsley."
"Why are you two in there?" Connie asked
"We're in love."
Connie nodded.
"Go to Jordan's room. Both of you."

Ainsley and Iain went to Jordan's room and seen David and Jordan talking. They kissed. Ainsley smiled and gripped Iain's hands.
"Maybe this change won't be all bad," Ainsley said. Iain smiled.
"I know. Something to look forward to. A new baby."
Ainsley grinned. "I can't wait."

Jordan was allowed home. "Jordan, come and stay with us? Iain can share my room and you and David can bunk up."
"Are you sure?"
Ainsley nodded. "Yeah. It's something new."

They went to the house to find Connie had taken all kids. "I have the coolest mum ever."
"Yeah. I'd do her," Iain said.
Ainsley and Jordan looked at him.
"What?" Iain said. Jordan sat down. David tried to kiss her but Jordan walked out.

Ainsley knew things were changing now. But she didn't know if Jordan could handle it all.

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