Chapter One

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"What kind of accident?" Cal asked as he walked over to Charlie.
Charlie looked away. "Connie's car. It went over a cliff."

Cal was in shock. He looked at Charlie. "How do you know it was Connie's car?" He asked. He didn't want to believe it.
"Fire crew told me the license plates. 219 CB."
It was Connie's car. "What about Madi? And Ainsley?" He asked.
"Its unknown if there's any survivors but we're needed in case there is," Charlie told them.

Cal got ready into the doctor's outfit to go out on emergency. Jordan and Iain got ready too. They weren't going to leave Ainsley and Madi.

They went to the site. It was just the three of them. They got down the cliff by abseiling. Finally, they got down to the car.
The windows were all smashed as was the car. The firecrew was on standby as was paramedics. "How could anyone survive that?" Iain asked.
"Stay positive! Madi is in there! She's only two," Cal spat. He was going to tell Ainsley how much he loved her.
"Cal, mate look at the wreckage. How the hell would a two year old survive?!"
Cal wasn't giving up. Madi was in there and she was his little girl. "You know what, just go back to ED! I'm getting my little girl and my wife out of that wreckage!" Cal yelled.
"Iain shush," Jordan said. They went carefully over to the car. They heard a whimper. Iain brought over the medical bag.
"Madi?" Cal called. 
"D-Dada," Madi whimpered. They called the fire crew down to get the car opened up.

Jordan gripped Iain's hand. They had to hope everyone would survive.
"What did Dixie teach us?" Jordan asked.
"No one dies today."
"No one dies today."
Madi was losing blood but she was concious. Ainsley was severly unwell. Her leg had been cut and she was battered and bruised.

The fire crew got down. "Who's the two year old?"
"My little girl. Madison," Cal said.
"Right. When Madi has been released, she'll have had pressure on her for too long someone she knows will have to travel with her."
"I will," Jordan said. She wanted to make sure Madi was okay - For Ainsley.

Madi was losing conciousness as they had managed to get Connie and Grace out. It wasn't looking good for any of them. As Ainsley and Madi was sitting in the back, they had more pressure on them. "Madi, stay awake baby girl. Daddy's got you."
Madi was out. She went unconscious. Jordan went on with Madi. Iain and Cal stayed with Ainsley.

Jordan held Madi tightly. Jordan kept talking to Madi. She was losing hope that they all would survive. Jordan needed them all to survive. They were a family.
They arrived at the ED. Robyn and Ethan were waiting. "How was it?"
"The car was wrecked. Ainsley's not moving or breathing but they're trying," Jordan said as they took Madi to resus.

As the car was on the edge of another cliff, they had to be extremely careful. Cal climbed into the back of the car. "Come on baby. Don't be doing this to me," Cal said. "I ended it with Taylor. I want you back."
"Cal, mate the car's gonna go."
"I'm not letting her go Iain. I can't."
"There's nothing we can do."
Cal glared. "I'm not leaving her."

Eventually, they got Ainsley out but it wasn't looking good for her. She had a cut over her head that was bleeding. "Come on baby. Stay with me."

They went back to the ED and began working on them. Jordan and Iain stayed outside. Iain held Jordan tightly. Faith woke and Jordan fed her gently. Iain smiled and kissed Jordan's cheek.
"Ainsley and Madi will be fine. If our little girl survived so can those two," Iain said. Jordan nodded.

Cal was working on Ainsley and Madi. Ethan and Robyn were helping him. Madi was fighting for her life, but not as much as Ainsley. Everyone was worried about her.

Jordan handed Faith to Iain. She walked inside and went over to Madi. "Come on baby girl. Mummy, daddy and Jordy all need you to wake up."
Cal broke down as Ainsley's heart monitor started beeping irratically. "No, we're losing her!" He yelled.

Charlie ran in. He began chest compressions on Ainsley while Robyn checked her pulse. Eventually the machine stopped beeping. "Cal, go and take a break. Be with Evie and Layla."

Ainsley had slipped into a coma and she had been put on Life Support. Jordan sat by Ainsley's bed and held her hand tightly.
"Please wake up. I need you," Jordan whispered. Tears rolled down her face.

Cal broke down and Iain sat with him. He felt bad for Cal. This wasn't fair on him.
"I'm so sorry mate," Iain said. He held Cal as he cried. He hoped Madi would wake up soon to give Cal some hope.
"Madi needs to wake up, Iain. I can't live knowing she didn't know how much I loved her."
"Madi knows."
Cal stood as Ethan came in. "Madi's gone. The injuries were too severe for us to save her."

Cal broke down in tears. "Try again!" He yelled. He didn't know what he was going to tell Ainsley when she woke. "Ethan! You keep trying to wake her up!" Cal yelled.

Cal got up and ran in. He seen Jordan cutting Madi open and immediately had the same idea. Open heart surgery.

Cal and Jordan worked on Madi. They refused to give up. After twenty minutes trying, Ethan told them to stop. Finally, Madi's heart began to beat again. Jordan stitched Madi up again and Cal fell down on the floor in relief.

Ethan checked Madi's obs. "The heartbeat is very weak but its there."
"Come on Madi. Stay with daddy. You can't be an angel yet."

Madi had been taken to ICU where Ainsley, Connie and Grace were. Connie had woken up but she was still under observation. All she needed now was her two girls to wake. "How is Madison?"
"We lost her briefly. She's okay though."
"And Ainsley?"
Cal looked away. "She's on life support. Its not looking good for her," he said.
Connie began to cry. Cal held her hand. He didn't want anyone else to suffer.

Jordan sat with Madi and minded her. She held Madi's small lifeless hand. Jordan felt tears roll down her face.
"She'll be okay," Iain said. Jordan shrugged.

Cal sat with Ainsley. He laid on the bed beside her and held her close to him. He began to cry hard.
"I'm sorry baby. I shouldn't have done what I did. If I hadn't then you wouldn't have needed a break. Then you wouldn't have gone with Connie," Cal sobbed.

Jordan walked in. "She'll wake up. I promise."
"She has to. I can't live without her. Or Madison."
"Madi's in good hands. She will be okay."
"What about Ainsley? What if I lose her."
"You won't! Now stay strong for Ainsley, Caleb Knight!" Jordan said. Cal nodded and kissed Ainsley's lips.

Cal got up off the bed.
"I'm going to see Madi. Will you stay with Ainsley?" Cal asked. Jordan nodded and sat on the bed. Cal smiled and walked out.

Cal went outside for a breath of fresh air. He couldn't stand to be upset. He knew Ainsley and Madi needed him. He needed to stay strong.

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