Chapter Five

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Ainsley had been awake for three hours. She knew she was in labour but couldn't see how much she had dilated to see if she could push.

She had tried to wake Iain but she accepted that he was too tired. Ainsley seen he was on the edge of the bed and shoved him out. He woke and jumped up. He knew Ainsley was in labour.
"I called an ambulance five minutes ago. I've been in labour for three hours," Ainsley said to him.
"Why didn't you wake me?" Iain asked. Ainsley glared at him.

Iain looked at Ainsley and seen she was dilated enough.
"Okay, you're ready to push babe," Iain said.
"Really?" She asked.
"Really babe. You can do this. You're forgetting that I'm a paramedic and you're a nurse," Iain said.
Ainsley nodded and she began pushing.

Eventually, baby Angel-Esmè had been born. "Baby, she's gorgeous."
"Let me see her."
Iain placed baby Angel into Ainsley's arms just as the door opened and Jez walked in. "Wow boss. You have good genes," he said.
"Yeah I know."
Angel kept touching Ainsley's face with her hands. Ainsley kissed Angel's head and she calmed down.
"Message Jordan to meet us at the hospital," Ainsley said as she held a sleeping Angel close.
"She's downstairs with the kids. She was called on duty with me," Jez said.

Ainsley took a walk downstairs. Jordan was there. "Congratulations."
Ainsley smiled slightly. She sat on the sofa and groaned. "I'm not having anymore kids."
Iain walked in. "Angel's fine to stay here babe. Jez has checked her over."

Madison came down with her blanket. She was worrying. "Mummy, I want Sam," she sobbed.
"I had a bad deam. Can me see my daddy Sam?" She asked.
Iain picked her up. "Shall we ring him to come over?"
Iain rang Sam. Ainsley cuddled into Jordan. Jordan held her close. Madi toddled over.

Madi sat on her mum's lap. Ainsley yawned.
"I'm so tired," she mumbled. Jez came over.
"We need to check you," Jez said.
"Can Jordan and Iain do it?" Ainsley asked. Jez nodded. Jordan and Iain took Ainsley upstairs. Jordan grabbed the bag. Sam came in and him and Jez minded the kids.
Madi cuddled into Sam. "I want my mummy to be my mummy. Nobody's else," she mumbled.
"Not even Evie?"
"No. They all takes my mummy."

Ainsley had been examined. She was tired. "Iain didn't wake up when I was in labour."
"I was tired. In my defence, I had been having sex all night."
Jordan rolled her eyes and helped Ainsley downstairs. Madi came over and put her arms up for Ainsley.

Ainsley and Iain cuddled with Madi in the living room. Jez left as Jordan was now off duty.

Jordan stayed and played with the kids. Sam smiled at her.
"You okay?" he asked. Jordan nodded.
"Yeah. I'm good."
"Good. That's good."
Jordan smiled at Sam. "Well, David is upstairs. I should go up."

Sam still loved Ainsley. He knew she loved him too. He went into the living room. "Hey."
Madi giggled. "I love my mummy and daddy."
Iain had Angel in his arms. She began nuzzling at his chest. "I think she wants feeding."
"Okay. Go ahead!" Ainsley joked. Iain smirked and handed Angel over. Ainsley began to feed her.

Angel drank from Ainsley peacefully and quietly. Ainsley held her head gently.
"She's gorgeous," Iain said. Ainsley nodded.
"So beautiful," Ainsley replied.
"What about me mummy?" Madi asked.
"You're stunning my gorgeous little girl," Ainsley said.
Madi giggled. She cuddled into her mummy. "Can I hold the baby?"
"When I've fed her."
Madi nodded.

Ainsley finished feeding Angel. She placed her in Madi's arms. "She loves you Madi."
"Nobodies loves me. I naughty."
Ainsley frowned. "Who told you that?"
"Daddy girlfwiend Emma. Says me can't see daddy cause she pwtending she pwegnant," Madi said.
Sam was shocked. Ainsley knew Sam didn't have a clue about any of it. He walked out and upstairs.

Jordan heard Sam crying. David had left. Jordan went into the room and seen Sam in tears. He was in Madi's room.
"What's wrong?" Jordan asked.
"Just Madison telling me something."
Jordan sighed. "Let me guess, she doesn't want another baby sister?"
"Something else," Sam said.

Ainsley walked upstairs. She smiled at Sam. "Madi's asked if you'll take her to watch Finding Dory tomorrow."
Ainsley grinned. "Thanks."
"Anything for my daughter. No one else comes close," Sam said. He was lying. He loved Ainsley still.
"That's so sweet. Thank you," Ainsley said. Sam informed her that he had just broken up with Emma.

Jordan went to her room and changed out of her paramedic uniform. She went downstairs.

Ainsley smiled at her.
"Ah! You're looking normal now," Ainsley joked. Jordan rolled her eyes.
"Some people like women in uniform," Jordan said. Ainsley laughed.
"Yeah. Cal liked me in uniform," Ainsley mumbled.
"What about Sam?"
"He liked me naked."

Madi went over to Evie. "Hi Evie!"
Madi giggled. She held Evie's hand. "Let's go see daddy."
"My dada or Madi dada?"
"Madi daddy. We take Layla too!"

Madi left the house with Evie and Layla. Layla was in her pushchair. She giggled her head off.

Ainsley went downstairs. She saw her three girls had gone. "I-Iain! Madi, Evie and Layla are gone!" She screamed.

Jordan heard and ran out looking for them. She spotted them. They were about to go across the road. Jordan ran to them. Ainsley spotted them. She told Iain. Jordan caught them before Iain got to them. She pushed them back as a car sped towards them. Iain caught the kids but the car hit Jordan.

Ainsley finally walked towards her kids with Angel in her arms. She seen Jordan and screamed. Iain went to her. Ainsley held all her kids. She called the ambulance.

Jordan had just broken her leg. She was going to be fine. "Only you could get hit by a car and only get a broken leg."
"I know. My good luck."
Ainsley grinned. "You're going to be okay."

Jordan had gotten her leg plastered up. She was allowed home. "Madi, why did you leave the house?" Ainsley asked.
"Cause me wanted daddy! He upposed to take me to movies for Dowy but he won't cause he don't like me!" Madi screamed.
Ainsley couldn't believe what Madi was acting like.
"She's just a baby Iain," Ainsley sobbed. Iain held her. Jordan laid on the sofa. Madi came in.
"Jordy. Me made Mummy cry," Madi sobbed. Jordan lifted Madi up and sat her beside her. Madi cuddled into her.
"Why are you being like this Madi? Daddy and mummy both love you," Jordan said. Madi nodded. She sniffed. Jordan kissed the top of her head. "Daddy is a doctor. Like mummy so he needs to work. He does love you though. So much."
Jordan nodded. "Yeah sweetie."

Cal had arrived at the house. He wanted to see his two kids. Ainsley let him in. "Come in."
"Congrats on the little one," Cal said as he walked in. He saw Evie sitting on the stairs. "Hey gorgeous girl."
Evie ran to him. Cal lifted him up and kissed her cheek. Evie giggled.

Jordan fell asleep with Madi. Madi was lying on Jordan's chest sleeping. Ainsley smiled at them.

Ainsley kissed Madi's cheek as she slept. Iain came in and put a blanket over her.
*Seven Weeks Later*

Iain was on an overnight evening out with his friends. Jordan was staying with Raf. Her new boyfriend.

Ainsley couldn't cope. She knew Cal was bringing Evie and Layla back. Madi was screaming for Sam and Angel kept crying to be held.

The door opened and Evie ran in. "Mumma!"
"Hi my girlie."
Cal walked in. He had a sleeping Layla. "They've both been fed. Layla needs her nappy changing so I'll do that and go?"
"No. Stay for a bit. Have some chinese with me."
"Okay," Cal said. Ainsley sighed in relief.

Ainsley and Cal ate Chinese. He got Madi to bed, changed Layla's nappy and got Angel to sleep. They put on a movie.

Ainsley finished off her meal as Cal cleared up his mess. He sat back and Ainsley smiled at him.
"Thanks for staying. I've kinda missed you."
"I've missed you too," Cal said.
Ainsley cuddled into him. "The one night I wanted Iain here, he buggers off."
Cal laughed. "That's men for you."

Ainsley took Angel up to her cot. Cal followed her. "Don't go mad."
Cal planted his lips onto Ainsley's. She kissed back.
Ainsley knew it was wrong but she couldn't stop. She wanted him. She didn't care anymore.

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