Chapter Nine

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Ainsley woke and knew she had to go to the ED. Iain wrapped his arms around her.
"Hey beautiful," Iain said. Ainsley smiled.
"Hey, you okay?" Ainsley asked. Iain nodded and ran his fingers through her hair.

Ainsley and Iain got all the kids up and ready for breakfast. Ainsley sat in silence. "You alright?" Iain asked as he gave Ainsley a bacon sandwhich.
"Yeah. I'm fine."
Iain nodded and sat down. "We've been invited to Zoe and Max's engagment party," Iain said.
"They're engaged again?"
Ainsley nodded. "W-Who's going?" She asked.
Iain smiled. "Everyone in the ED," he replied.
Ainsley just nodded. She didn't want to be around Cal or Sam right now. She knew she had ruined Jordan's life by taking Iain from her. She wanted to stay with Iain. But she loved them all.

Jordan woke and began to get ready for the engagement party. Jason smiled.
"You're beautiful," he said. Jordan just nodded. She hadn't said much since she learnt the lump on her breast was cancerous.

Ainsley went to find her dress for the party. She chose a black dress which revealed her bra and chest partly. She went for a quick shower and got changed. She wasn't getting changed till they were at the Hotel.

They arrived at the Hotel. Ainsley went to the room without talking to anyone. Iain sighed as Charlie came over. "Is she okay?" He asked.
"She's been quiet recently. A lot," Iain said. He followed Ainsley to their room.

Ainsley was sitting in bed. She was trying to not cry. "Babe, what's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing. Just being around Sam and Cal isn't helping. I've slept with them both," Ainsley mumbled. "Stick with Jordan, Jason and I," Iain said. Ainsley smiled and thanked him. Iain kissed her gently.
"Let's get changed," he said. Ainsley nodded.

Ainsley and Iain went downstairs. Everyone was shocked at Ainsley. Men couldn't stop staring. The women thought she was beautiful.
"Hey," Jordan said. Ainsley hugged her. She smiled at Jason.
"Why aren't you showing more chest?" Ainsley joked. Jordan squeezed Jason's hand.
"She's... Shy," Jason said. Ainsley smiled and took Jordan to the bathrooms.
"Let's fix your dress," Ainsley said. Jordan tried to stop her but it didn't work. Ainsley fixed the dress to the way it was meant to be and gasped when she seen the lump. Jordan fixed her dress back and walked out. Ainsley ran after her.
Ainsley didn't go after Jordan. She went over to the drinks and began downing the wine. "Ainsley, you might want to calm down," Connie said.
"No. I don't think so. I'm much happier drinking," Ainsley mumbled.

Sam saw Ainsley and sighed. He knew she was struggling with everything. Her bi-polar was taking control of her.

Ainsley didn't care she went to the bar. "Give me as many shots as you can," Ainsley said. She wanted everyone to leave her alone.

Sam made sure no one was looking before he lifted Ainsley and took her upstairs. She was wasted. He put her in the shower and turned it on to sober her up.

Jordan told Jason what happened. Jason sighed.
"We need to tell people then," Jason said. Jordan shook her head.
"I'm the one dying!" Jordan spat. She walked off outside.

Ainsley sat in the shower and cried. She felt someone sitting next to her. "You alright?" He asked.
"Yeah. I'm fine."
He smiled. "You're drunk aren't you?"
"Teensy bit," Ainsley mumbled.

Ainsley cuddled into him. They were both getting soaked but Ainsley didn't care. She felt safe in his arms. "Look at me," he said.
Ainsley looked at him and smiled slightly. He planted his lips on hers and they began heavily making out under the shower.
He gently pulled off Ainsley's dress and she pulled off his shirt.

Jordan decided she needed to tell everyone. She went back inside and grabbed a glass. She hit it gently with a knife to get everyone's attention.

Everyone turned around.
"I want to make an announcement. You'll all eventually hear anyway," Jordan said. Jason knew what she was going to say and went over to her. He held her hand tightly. "I've got breast cancer."
Jordan burst out crying and dropped the glass and the knife. Jason held her close.

Ainsley smiled as his hands touched her body. She was loving this and didn't want it to stop
The shower was making them both wet but Ainsley didn't care. She wanted this. "You alright gorgeous?"
They began kissing again and they eventually having sex.

He had left and so Ainsley sat down on the bed and cried. She soon fell asleep wishing she had fallen asleep with him.

Iain went up to the room and seen Ainsley asleep. He pulled the duvet up around her and got into his pants. He got under the duvet with her and kissed her. He eventually fell asleep.

Jordan and Jason went up to bed. Jordan smiled at Jason.
"Chemo starts soon," she said. Jason smiled.
"You'll be okay. I'll be with you and so will the kids."
"I want Ainsley to be there too. But I doubt she will," Jordan mumbled.

Ainsley cuddled into Iain. She kissed him passionately before she left the bed and got dressed. She went down to the bar.

Ainsley sat at the bar and felt someone sitting next to her. She saw him. "My suit is still wet," he said.
"My dress too."
He grinned and kissed her. "You know, I've never stopped thinking about you."

Ainsley watched as he went to walk off. "Why me?"
"I've always wanted you."
Ainsley smiled slightly. She thought he would have been fast asleep but she was wrong. She wanted him too. She would get him. No matter what.

A/N ~ the next chapter is going to be a bad one for Ainsley. It will be quite triggering but I'll put a warning at the beginning of the chapter

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