Chapter Two

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Sam and Cal stayed by Ainsley's side. It was extremely tense between them. Sam knew Ainsley wouldn't want to see Cal as she was heartbroken at the fact that he was now with Taylor.

"Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?" Sam spat. He looked at Ainsley. She was able to breathe on her own but she still hadn't woken up.
"Ainsley's the mother of my kids. I'll stay with her for as long as she needs me," Cal said. Part of him still loved Ainsley. "She's only had your one kid. Don't you normally abandon your kids?"

Sam punched Cal. Cal left the room.
"Please wake up Ainsley," Sam said.

The helicopter with Madi and Iain in had crashed. Jordan heard about it and got a baby sitter while she ran to the ED.

Jordan seen the helicopter crash and tried to get Iain out. Charlie pulled her back.
Sam went to see what had happened. He saw the helicopter. "What happened?"
"The helicopter taking Madison to the Children's hospital crashed. Madi isn't breathing," Charlie said.

Ainsley had woken up. Elle went over to her. "Welcome back."
"W-What happened?"
Elle sighed. "You, your mum, Grace and Madison were in a major RTC."
Elle sighed. "She's deteriorated severely. We're moving her to a Children's hospital."

Ainsley tried to get up from the bed. "I w-want to see her!" She screamed.
Elle helped her outside. She saw the blades of the helicopter thrown everywhere.
Ainsley seen Jordan screaming for Iain. Dylan got Madi out of the helicopter. Jez took her in an ambulance after Ainsley seen her.
"Where's Iain!" Jordan screamed. Charlie held her. Dylan went back in. Jordan seem a hand coming up. It was Iain's.

Dylan helped Iain out.
"The other two are dead," Dylan said. Jordan cried and ran to Iain. They held each other.
"Jordan you can look after Iain if you want. He'll need a head scan and the cuts stitched," Charlie said. Jordan nodded and took Iain inside.
Jordan went over to Ainsley. "Iain's okay."
"Madi isn't! She's not breathing!" Ainsley yelled.
Ainsley walked off. She saw the scaffolding rocking but before she could move, it fell. Ainsley was trapped. "Ainsley!" Iain yelled.
"Iain go inside!" Jordan yelled. Lily took Iain inside. Cal ran out and seen what happened.

Cal and Jordan made their way inside the scaffolding. Cal got inside beside Ainsley when it collapsed again. Ainsley was safe but Cal's knee dislocated.

Jordan climbed over.
"I'm here guys! Calm down!" Jordan said. She had a medical bag with her.
Ainsley began losing conciousness. "Cal, I need to get you out first. Then we can work on Ainsley," Jordan said.
"Get Ainsley out first."
"She's trapped underneath the rubble. We need the fire crew."

Jordan had managed to get Cal out. Just as she was about to go and help Ainsley, the ambulance exploded.
Jordan was beside the van. She was unconscious with severe burns on her. Her body had shielded Ainsley. Ainsley cried and tried to wake up Jordan.
"Wake up!" Ainsley sobbed.

Ainsley made the alarm on her phone go off. She heard people asking for her.
"In here!" she screamed. Sam came over with the fire crew. Some fire crew began to move the rubble while others put out the ambulance. They finally got through to Jordan and Ainsley. Sam took Ainsley through while Dylan got Jordan safe
Dylan got Jordan out. She had woken up. "A-Ainsley?"
"She's alright. She's being treated," Dylan said.

Sam held Ainsley close. "You're alright."
"N-No. Madi," she mumbled.
"She'll be fine too. She's tough."

Jordan had her burns treated. She was going to be fine. They were more worried about Ainsley as she had been bleeding. "You need treatment."
"No! I need to see my Madi!" Ainsley screamed.
"Ainsley please," Jordan begged.
"Okay," Ainsley reluctantly agreed. Sam began to treat her.

Iain came in to Jordan and kissed her.
"They told me what happened. Are you both okay?" Iain asked.
"Yeah," Ainsley mumbled. Iain whispered in Jordan's ear.
"We got a webcam to the children's hospital. Madi is awake," Iain whispered. Jordan smiled.
"Wait until she's treated," Jordan whispered back.
Ainsley was in agony. She couldn't hold back the tears. "It really hurts," she sobbed.
"I know. It's going to be fine."

Jordan could see the blood coming through Ainsley's gown. "She's bleeding," Jordan whispered.
"Sam. Sort the bleed."
"What bleed?" He asked. He looked and saw the bleed Ainsley had. He lifted up her gown and saw her private area was gushing blood.
"She's miscarrying!" Iain yelled. He ran and got Duffy as she was a midwife.

Duffy stopped the bleed and gave Ainsley pain relief. Sam held her hand.
"I'm sorry," Ainsley sobbed.
"It's okay sweetie," Sam said. He kissed her head.

Iain and Jordan knew they needed to show Ainsley Madi now. Iain got a laptop in while Ainsley was relaxing after the miscarriage.
"Why you got that?" Ainsley asked. Iain turned the screen around. Ainsley cried when she seen Madi awake.
"Hey baby," Ainsley said.
"Muma! Me draw you a piccy!" Madi said. She held a picture up.
Ainsley spoke with Madi. She screamed when Madi began throwing up blood. "Sam!" She screamed.

Iain grabbed the laptop before Ainsley could see anymore. "No! Madi!"

Jordan looked at Iain and Sam. "We need to sedate her."
Ainsley was sedated. Iain rang up the hospital to find out what happened.

Jordan sighed.
"Sam I don't know what to do. Nothing will be the same again," Jordan mumbled. Sam agreed. Nothing would be the same again for any of them. Jordan held Ainsley's hand tightly.
Iain walked back in. He was in tears. "Madi died a few minutes ago. They tried to restart her heart but she couldn't do it. She had severe internal injuries that they missed."

They knew when Ainsley woke up, they would have to tell her about Madison. "Isn't there anything we can do?" Jordan asked.
"We don't know."
Jordan broke down. They had completely lost Madi. Now they were losing Ainsley too. Nothing would be the same again.

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