sex lessons with Damian

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Minnie's POV.

I was then blindfolded by Damian and being put in a car.

The car ride was awkward, and I kept begging Damian to take the blindfold off.

He only replied with, " shush "


Damian's POV.

In the car, Minnie kept demanding and that the blindfold be taken off but I only said " shush" so she called me rude, haha

I was so nervous... This was a hugeee step in our relationship...

Minnie's POV.

The car then came to a halt. Damian carefully led me out of the car.

I could feel the sweet fresh air.
The air was really warm. At least 85 degrees.

Then he took the blindfold off...

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

"Welcome to our new home.." Damian said.

" Damian..."

" its ours babe.." The moving truck is coming tomorrow  with the rest of our stuff.

Just then I hear AYEEEE.

I turned around and there stood Cameron and Nick on the porch in behind our new house.

" baby Cam and Nick bought the house across ours."

I then burst into tears.

This is what I have always wanted.


We then walked into the house. It was GORGEOUS...

Tinted blue walls and beautiful furniture.

A big kitchen with an island and granite countertops.

And oh god... The upstairs.

The master was humongous, and baby blue walls, with a king sized bed.

Extra rooms and more. It was beautiful.

The back yard had a huge pool and a hot tub.

It was now 10:00 and I was tired from all this excitement.

So me and Damian lied down.

But one kiss led to more kisses and I let him make love to me that night...

After it he snuggled close into me.

And I think that was the best sleep I have ever had.

I think that was my favorite "lesson"




hit that star and make me happy ☺

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