17 - Amongst the trees

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Elissa groans. "What happened?"

I do not have an answer. I cannot help feeling that there are many mysteries surrounding this girl.

"Let me brew some ginger and chamomile tea." Mother bustles at the range.


It is dusk when Zane finally returns. He gives Elissa a tight squeeze, before ruffling her hair. "You gave us a fright, little one. Roth has been fretting."

"Well, I am completely fine now. So can we go out?" She looks to him and then me with big pleading eyes. "Pretty please, I am going stir crazy and I cannot possibly drink any more tea."

Zane shrugs and I concede, warning, "Elissa, you may garner attention as you have somewhat of a likeness to a light elf, and they rarely deign to consort with wood elves."

She laughs. "Yes, but I'm not an elf."

I look to Zane for guidance and at his nod, I take her hand. "We think you are, at least partially. Part elves, also know as elflings are not well received by some factions. It might have been for your own safety that you were sent away."

Her eyes shimmer at the news and she blinks several times. I feel terrible and yet she deserves to know.

"Come on. Let us go and get a drink in the village," Zane pipes up in a cheerful voice.

Elissa nods, her visage brightening and we take the path through the forest.

The trees grow in size the closer we get to the village. Elissa crinkles her nose, there are not many buildings on the ground. I point up to network of walkways stretching between the branches and the large array of wooden structures.

"Wow! It's like Lothlórien!" she exclaims.

It is not a place I have come across. I do not have time to question her before we reach the stairway that lead to my favourite taverna, which sits some forty feet above us. Tiny lights strung in the smaller branches light our way.

Heads turn as we walk in and as I predicted Elissa attracts many curious looks. For a moment a hush descends, but soon a normal chatter resumes. I secure us an unoccupied table and take a seat overlooking the forest, while Zane goes to the bar.

I accept a wooden goblet from him and take a deep draft. The taste of the elven wine, which is fortified with silver birch liquor, reminds me of home.

Zane and Elissa chatter away, while I half-listen and simply enjoy being at peace. We travel so much, always on the move. It seems no time at all that our vessels are drained and Zane returns to the bar to replenish them.

Elissa giggles and gestures behind me. "They remind me of elven hipsters, minus the facial hair."

I have no idea what a hipster is and turns to take a look in the direction she pointed. Immediately recognition flickers, for they are or more accurately were my friends.  A pair of soulful brown eyes meet mine and for a moment the rest of the surroundings fade into the background.

The thunk of our goblets being set down on the table breaks my reverie. I turn my back on my former life and face my new one.

Elissa rests her head against Zane's shoulder and remarks, "You're a regular babe magnet."

She really does come out with the oddest statements. When she points to the group of females eying up Zane up from the bar, I comprehend her meaning.

Zane purrs, "Sometimes women need a little fire."

"Can't they just light it themselves?"

Zane smiles indulgently. Indeed her innocence is endearing. "One day, little one, you will understand."

As I nurse my goblet, I feel the weight of a gaze upon my back and keep finding myself distracted. My heart was broken and the betrayal still stings even though several solars have passed.

I go to relieve myself and when I get back I am alarmed to find our table vacant. A quick scan of the room locates Zane at the bar, with several females. I rather rudely extract him and drag him outside, insisting that we have to find Elissa.

Certain that I can hear the tinkling sound of laughter coming from above, I look up and can just make out a shape amongst the upper branches.

Zane follows my eye line and smirks. "You had better scamper up after her."

I narrow my eyes. "I am not a squirrel."

However Zane's bulk does unfortunately preclude him helping and so I find myself climbing up. Elissa is cradled in the tree canopy, gazing up at the heavens.

"Elissa," I call out softly, not wishing to startle her.

Bending her head backwards, she looks down at me and exclaims, "You're upside down! Aren't the stars glorious?"

"Yes, delightful. But we need to get you home."

She gets unsteadily to her feet and wobbles precariously on the branch. It looks as if she is about to fall and with my heart in my mouth, I reach out a hand to grab her. She just flops back down onto her bottom in a fit of giggles. It may have imagined it, but I thought I saw one of the branches move as if to catch her.

I manage to coax her down, no easy feat as she seems rather inebriated. I shall have to have a word with Zane later. Eventually we are standing beside the Dragonite and I am pulling out leaves from my clothes. He laughs and I snap, telling him that he can jolly well carry her, which admittedly he does with good grace. 

Back at my home, I direct Zane to place her on my bed, waiting outside on the veranda as there is not room for the three of us. I use the time to set up a hammock which will be my bed for the night.

I go in to wish her goodnight. She throws her arms around my neck and kisses my cheek before flopping back. Fidgeting, she murmurs something about a king before settling into a peaceful sleep.

When I rejoin Zane, he surprises me by asking, "Are you falling in love with her?"

I think deeply, contemplating the meaning of the word and Zane has to give me a nudge to get a response."If you wish to know whether she is one who can make my soul sing, then the answer is negative."

"Soul sing?"

"Elven souls can resonate with each other, we spend our life trying to find one who makes our soul sing."

"Sounds like the kindling of a Dragonite's flame."

"And if you wish to know whether I desire her carnally, then again the answer is negative. I do however believe that it was not an accident that our paths crossed."

AN - the song is Shimmer by Aurora - I found this by mistake thinking that it was going to be early work by the Icelandic artist and only after a little digging found it to be an ex-band from Seattle.

I hope you enjoyed getting a glimpse into Darish's home life - I was partially inspired by a stay in Mission Beach, Oz - only without the massive spider.

The Light of ElysiumOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz