Shaven Teen

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... *sigh*

I'm back! Yay! Forgot when I last updated... Hopefully I'm following my schedule??

Eh, IDK. Oh well, I'll just, um...

Update. Yeah...

This chapter is meant for comedic purposes. Please do not expect it to move the plot along at all. All this does is show how OOC I'm making the characters. I apologize in advance for the cringe.

R&R, guys. Except more crack chapters like this when I don't have any ideas on how to move along the plot!


"Uno!" I yelled, laying down a Royal Flush. Thalia sighed as the Stolls applauded my awesomeness.

Nico had left halfway through the first round. I bet he just rage quit. He kept losing. Well, everyone did. In fact, it seems I'm the only winner. I wonder how that came to be. *wink* *wink*

"Percy, what card game are we even playing?" she asked through gritted teeth. I looked at her in shock.

"Why, isn't it obvious, Thals? We're playing Goldfish!" I said, using an abandoned backscratcher to pull in half the poker chips that had been bet. Conner and Travis each made to get the other half, but stopped when they realized the other one was trying to get it, too.

They looked over at me with evil glints in their eye before nodding at each other. That seemed to be their cue to tacKLE ME!

I wormed my way out from beneath their bodies, grabbing a handful of poker chips and throwing it at them as I jumped behind the table we were using for cover.

"THIS IS WAR!" they yelled together, pulling out a- is that a bazooka?- from who-knows-where.

Pulling the trigger, my face paled, expecting to be blown to tiny, bloody smithereens. Well, at least I'll be reunited with-


Glitter. Pink, purple and silver glitter that would undoubtedly be stuck in my hair for several days was the ammo for the Stoll Bazooka.

Thalia chuckled- she's not nice/cute enough for giggling- as she pulled out a bow and a quiver full of arrows, their heads replaced with apples and balloons from out of nowhere.


I made a weird pterodactyl noise at the back of my throat as I ran out of the Hermes Cabin that we were using. My gut twisted as I ran at the thought of it being so... empty. No one there but the Stolls and some unclaimed 15 year old.

While my mind was distracted, Nature decided to mess with me. Or Demeter. I'M SORRY I DIDN'T EAT CEREAL THIS MORNING, JEEZ!

I tripped over a root.

I face planted onto the ground, getting a mouthful of dirt. I immediately sat up, spitting out the dirt with vigor as I stood up.

The Canon of Glitter Themed Doom went off in my face again. I hissed as I felt some go in my eye. My hands darted up to my face as I rubbed my eyes, trying to rid them of the glitter.

"Thanks a lot, Con Bomb," I muttered as I blinked away the tears that were forming NOT because of pain or sadness, but because of the glitter I mentioned in the last paragraph, in case you were skimming or not paying attention.

i'M wATcHinG yOU. . .

I ruffled my hand through my very sparkly hair, glitter falling out like dandruff. I pouted as Thalia and Nico showed up. I raised a hand in greeting, before stopping dead at the sight of what Nico was holding. I started blinking furiously against the glitter that was in my eyes as I saw the Picture Book he had in his hand, extending it towards me.

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