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Yo, it's the Author! I have decided to put this little music thing up top so that A) you can listen to it while reading (thank me later) and B) You can learn about some REAL music! WARNING: CUSS WORDS IN THE SONG DO NOT READ IF SMOL/SMALL CHILD.


After explaining to Leo about the war, he had hopped on Festus, dragging a sighing Calypso and left, after failing to pick me up and drag he with him. Let's just say, he needed another bite of ambrosia.

I was napping on the couch, when suddenly a loud alarm went off, making me jump three feet in the air into a defensive crouch, my tired eyes looking around for a source of danger. I blinked when I noticed that the Avengers were all either putting on their Comicon outfits or was waiting for them to put them on. I gave them a curious look before Tony came forward and threw a box at me.

"Put that on, we've got a mission," he said before walking over to poke fun at Clint in his purple Hawkeye outfit.

I put on the sea green and ocean blue outfit. It fit like a glove, which kinda creeped me out. How'd they know my size. Stalkers.

Anyway, it had a cowl on that I could pull on and off, and had fin-like gloves on my fingers. Still kinda scary, considering that, for all they know, I don't do anything but change into a dove. It had a small, almost not noticeable pocket near my waist, which Riptide had magically appeared in again. Gotta love that pen...


A/N Yo, so this is a really short chapter, because I wanted to get it out there, and apparently some people actually like this? I mean, this fanfic is all over the place, I made it on a whim. Everything so far is me just winging it. I appreciate all the support I've been getting, and I'm sorry this update took nine thousand years to make. Truth is, I've recently got a Skype and have been talking to this, er... lovely group of fanboys/girls. So, just to let y'all know, the updates on this are gonna be all over the place.

So, er, um, bye, my Crumbs? I guess, I am literally winging this entire thing, and half of this stuff is me trying to be a fraction as good as Uncle Rick. Sorry for the slow updates, and until next time, I guess?

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