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I'm so glad that y'all are actually enjoying this, and are not one person with several accounts. Baby Owl, I'm paranoid as Hades now. ;-; Thanks a lot.

This entire thing is literally me writing down what first came to mind at whatever moment I'm writing XD

There is no plot. But if you guys have any ideas, please tell me so I can have an antagonist!

Anyways, my rambling is coming to an end, my Crumbs. I know you came here for the story. So you shall wished it, so it shall be!


I looked up at Steve, a large and obviously fake grin on my face. He stared down at me with surprise and concern.

"Steeeeeeeve! Buddy! How ya doing? Great? Great! Now, if you excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom, so if you'll just, move aside..." I trailed off, gesturing to the right to get outta my way.

"..." Steve didn't say anything, an expression of concern and horror on his face. I scrunched up my face in confusion. Did I have something on my face?

I followed his line of sight down towards my abdomen. It was very well muscles for a ten year old (I wonder why. *wink* *wink*) and was as tan as the rest of my body. It was filled with scars and burn marks, along with the bloody spot on the side of my stomach. I wonder what he thinks is so bad.

"... Kid..." he said, looking up into my eyes. I tilted my head in confusion. I flicked my eyes around awkwardly, before deciding I needed to speak up.

"Erm, yeah. Okay. Um... I need to get to the bathroom, so if you don't mind, I'll just..." I said, side stepping him and walking over to the bathroom door. I could feel his eyes all but burning holes into the back of my head.

I opened the door, and walked into the bathroom. I felt along the wall before finding the lights, brightening up the room with an artificial glow as I shut the door behind me.

There was a shower/bath at the far end, a sink to my direct right and a toilet next to that. I looked under the sink and shifted through a pile of rags until I found a bright blue color. I smiled as I wet it, whistling slightly as I squeezed out the excess water.

I gently scrubbed the area of dried blood that caked my scarred skin, shuddering slightly at the cold water that touched my bare skin.

Once I was finished with the rag, I threw it in a hamper that was directly behind the door. It was a really nice hamper. The design was neat. I wonder if I can get a hamper like that. Where would I put it? Hm... Eh, I'll shove it up my tree. Yeah. That'll work out well. I'll come back for it later.

I waltzed out the door, not a care in the world as I wondered what to do next. Hm... There's always something going down in the living room! But then again, I'll have to explain about the Gods and Goddesses... Eh, I'll crawl in the vents.

Swiftly checking over my shoulder, I transformed into a dove and quickly flew up to the vents. I mist traveled inside of air duct before waltzing in the direction I hope the living room is in. Good thing I have a good sense of direction! ^^

My talons clacked against the air duct. It held my weight, which isn't surprising considering who sits up here in their free time. *cough* Hawk Face *cough* Hm, it isn't that bad up here, actually. In fact, it's kinda nice. Quiet, peaceful, many escape routes. My kinda place.

After a little bit, I started to hear voices echoing around the shaft. I closed my eyes, focusing my lil' birdie ear holes on where it was originating from. Narrowing in on the left, I waddled towards the voices, angry voices. Voices that seemed like they were in a heated discussion. Oh, gods, if it's about politics I am out. I reached an opening in the vent, and looked through to see... The living room! REJOICE!!! Hm? Oh, yeah, angry voices. I looked over the room, expecting to see a battle. Hm... Avengers: Civil War. That would make a great movie. That should be a movie. I'll talk to my lawyers, see if I can get that copyrighted.

Okay, so, Captain Ice-Pops was yelling at the smaller counterpart of the Thing Spraypainted green. No one else was there though. Hm, wonder where they're at. Probably missions (Natty The Fly Eater and Genderbent blonde Merida), on Asgard (Lightning Bug), or getting drunk (Spare Parts Man).

"- still doesn't explain why!" Cap-Toenail yelled at Bruce Juice. The latter took a deep breath before replying with a clipped annoyed tone.

"They were his secret, his problem. I didn't think that it was my right to tell about anyone about it," Brainy Brucie said. Ooh, gossip! I'll just listen in, not tell anyone this secret that I definitely wON'T TELL EVERYONE AT CAMP AND IT'LL BE AWESOME! Oh, gods, I'm turning into Pheme...

"But we could-" Face Wings was cut off by the sound of the door opening. I blinked. Dang it, I was this close to finding out what that secret was! Ah, man... Who did it? Imma fight 'em, I will, I will. I'll go all Genocide Run on him!

"Who's secret? Give me the details, Capcicle!" the very familiar sound of Tony Friskin Stark. I sighed. They won't tell Tony anything.

"Bruce didn't bother to tell us about Percy!" The Picture Next to the Definition of American said, a note of anger in his voice. I froze. No. Gossip is bad for my publicity. Don't spread the lies!

"Percy... He's covered in scars, head to toe. They date back to years ago. We think he might've been abused, or perhaps was used as a human experiment, which explains his hydrokinesis," Big Green Fighting Machine said. I blinked. Was that why Stevie Boy stared at me? Hm, makes sense. Regular 10 year olds don't have scars. But I'm not regular, or ten.

"Huh, wow. That's... Wow..." Tony's voice said. I still couldn't see him, and nobody was moving, so I guess that means that Bolt Brain is either standing or sitting. I moved around the vent opening, trying to see him as their conversation continued.

"-Jarvis, where is Percy, anyways?" Tony asked. Jarvis? Did someone come inside with Tony?

"He's in the vents above you, sir," a voice that came from everywhere and nowhere all at once said. I jumped, accidentally knocking the vent opening underneath me open as I landed back down. I landed in human form on the ground with a groan, pushing myself up to see Tony, Stevie and Brucie all staring at me. Well, my back, but that's still a part of me. I grinned crookedly at them.

"Sup?" I asked, causing Steve to face palm.



Well, I'm off. Be glad I actually updated today, I was sleeping for 3/4 of it, and a major chunk of that awake time was spent listening to Undertale songs, reading Undertale fanfics, and looking at Undertale fanart, hence that small reference somewhere that I'll give a Crumb point to whoever can find it!

Well, thanks for all the support, my lovely lovely Crumbs! And don't forget to throw in your pairing votes in the first chapter! So far we have 

Percy Loner - 4

Clintashsa - 1

Brutasha - 1

Natasha Loner - 1

Percico - 1


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