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The Avengers all basically did their own thing since the Invasion. They still hung out and lived at the Avengers Tower, but they didn't do any missions or went to a major event since the Invasion and a few interviews over it.

But that morning, Fury had called them into the conference room. They expected the same old, "Be sure not to leak anything to the public," or "This man/woman may need to be given our attention." But they were wrong.

Everyone, except Thor, who was on Asgard, was waiting for Tony and Bruce to show up. They had no doubt that Bruce wouldn't be late unless A) Something bad happened or, even worse, B) Tony happened. The Avengers and Fury knew it was most likely Tony, though.

Suddenly, the conference room opened to reveal a smiling Tony and a frowning and annoyed Bruce. They both had singed hair and ash on their clothes. Nobody questioned anything as they sat down.

"Today, we are here to discuss a terrorist. SHIELD doesn't know who he's working for, or even his full name, but we do know that he's the cause of several disasters all across America," Fury said. "I expect him to be caught in two days. He was last seen in Central Park, ten minutes ago." And with that, he left.

Everyone except Bruce reached for the file at the same time, but Natasha's hand came out with the file. She opened it, and read through, her eyes widening slightly. When she finished, she passed it to Steve. Steve read it out loud for everyone.

"Name: Percy. No last name, just... Percy...


Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Black

Terrorist Acts: Causing wrecks on the Golden Gate Bridge, blowing up a third of Ashmine Road in Washington State, destroying half a Walmart in Kentucky, flooded three schools in Oregon, Minnesota and Iowa, all in the course of a month.

Age:... 10," Steve finished, and an uproar immediately started.

"He's ten?" Clint asked, wide eyed.

"A month!?" asked Bruce, clearly shocked.

"How many schools?" asked Tony, awed.

"Guys!" Natasha called, calling the attention to her. "If you're done squabbling like a bunch of idiots, this terrorist could be planning his next act. We need to get him before that. Let's get him while we know where he is. Central Park."


Shorter than the first, but I think it's good enough to publish. I'm also listening to Evanesence! So, about the pairings?

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