XXIV. Marshmellow

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Tessa Kade

Chapter 24: Marshmellow

I could still feel a tingle on my lips as I stared at Liam with astonishment. He looked so shy all of a sudden, almost ashamed or regretful that he'd acted on his instincts and just kissed me. Sure, it completely threw me off guard but it was so weird I'm not even sure how to feel about it in the first place. Liam has been my friend, someone that I've come to rely on since I've been on tour and he may or may not have just ruined it. But did he?

"Tessa, please say something instead of staring at me," He asked with knitted brows.

My lips pursed, tongue wetting my lips as my eyes darted around everywhere but on him, "I'm not sure what to say, if I'm being honest."

"Then can I be honest with you?" He questioned, taking a single step towards me. A pained look came over his face as I took one step backwards but I couldn't help it, I was weary about him.

"I think that kiss held everything you're probably going to say to me," I replied hoarsely.

"Then would it be wrong to ask if you feel the same way?" His question rose in the air, hanging there tauntingly and looming over me with a inquiring sense.

This time I met his eyes in an innocent stare but the way his eyes grew lighter then darker, swirling with curiosity and anxiousness, something hit a nerve. Did I feel the same way about him? Liam was a guy, a great one at that and quite possibly the only one who wasn't afraid of me. He didn't want to take me down and he accepted the fact that I'm moody and a bitch half the time. But when he was around, was the rush in my stomach a feeling of liking him?

"Liam I think that-"

"Tessa! You killed that show, best one I've ever seen!" Ethan's voice boomed around the room as the door opened.

"Dude, it was the only one we've ever been to besides the one at our local theater," Cody commented as he came in behind Ethan.

My mouth shut tight as I smiled at my brothers lightly, glancing at Liam to see he'd gone rigged and was glancing around awkwardly. No sooner and my mom and Isabella were coming through the door as well, Bella's eyes lighting up as she looked at Liam.

"That was a great show," My mom said with a smile, enveloping me in a hug.

"Thanks, mom," I smiled back at her genuinely.

An awkward silence fell over the world this time, Liam looking extremely uncomfortable whilst my family was glancing around. Well Ethan and Cody had once again made their way to my personal snack bar and took the initiative to start eating. I cast them a grin and rolled my eyes, turning my attention back to my sister and mom.

"So," I started, rolling on my heels and placing my hands in my back pockets.

"Why don't you introduce us to this young man?" My mom continued on to keep the conversation going.

I glanced at Liam and knit my brows together, "Uh, he's-"

"Liam, I'm Liam Payne," He finished for me with a side look towards me, "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude."

Just like that he became the perfect gentlemen, shaking my moms hand and smiling at Isabella who was staring at him with wide eyes. It was clear that she wanted to say something, heck, given her giddiness just a couple of hours ago when she found out Liam was here was more of a giveaway. As awkward as the air was between Liam and I, I wasn't going to make it weird for Liam to talk to my family. So until then I guess I'll have to act as if that kiss never happened.

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