XVIII. Sherbert

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Liam Payne 

Chapter 18: Sherbert 

I hated keeping secrets from people more than anything else, especially if they were known for quite literally exploding in anger. For nearly three weeks I tried to tell Tessa what was going on, I tried so hard but there was always something going on. Between the constant interruptions and talking to her sister, who was so freaking adorable, I nearly forgot what it was I needed to tell her. That was until Jase unexpectedly sent me a direct message on Twitter, throwing me completely off balance.

He was the one who started it, who made the entire catastrophe start in the first place and here I was, simply going along with it because I thought Tessa was the bad guy. Our conversation was fresh as day in my head, a constant reminder of exactly what I'd done and how far in I was.

She stole my spot light, he'd said. Thrown me under the bus and took what I worked so hard to get. 

I think it was when I saw him that day on the elevator that I realized it wasn't Tessa at all, it was just Jase being bitter towards an extraordinary girl. Worst of all was that I had no idea how to tell her without completely ruining whatever relationship I'd formed with her in the first place. She was more than what the press said about her, better actually. It was such a surprise when I saw her walls come down to reveal a real person with feelings that were never thought to exist.

"So McDonalds or Nandos?" Niall chatted beside me. In some miraculous way he'd managed to get me out of my flat and out to go eat.

"McDonalds, I'm tired of even looking at Nandos," I groaned. He shot me a look of mock hurt before rolling his eyes and making a left turn. We both knew how nearly the entire fandom thought the guy lived at the place and we joked about it every time we went out.

The music was playing lightly in the background, Niall's lips moving to the words although his expression was thoughtful. He wasn't usually one to think too hard about something, more instinctive and reckless in his decisions than the rest of us. I know that he's been busy lately, meeting up to work on more song writing for our next album. Honestly I think he's mental for getting a jump start when the release for our current one is in less than a month.

An abrupt stop light caused the car to jolt as Niall slammed down on the brakes with a slew of curses while shaking his head, "This place seriously needs to update those yellow to green lights. They're fast as all hell."

"I'm sure if you make a recommendation they'll listen," I teased, earning a shove in the shoulder.

"Shut up."

"Just saying," I harmlessly defended with raised hands.

His eyes rolled around, adjusting just as the light switched again for him to speed up towards the golden arch just a block away. Most people find it strange to see him around London since we're on break but he randomly called me up asking if he could come. Since I wasn't exactly doing much with the last week of freedom I had, I didn't say no. We've been chilling around for the past three days, waiting out until it was time to go to Australia for the third, and final, leg of the tour.

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