II. Cookies & Cream

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Tessa Kade 

Chapter 2: Cookies & Cream 

I liked movies. Always had and hopefully always will. The best part definitely wasn't the love connection and intense "I'll do anything for you" representation, but instead the action. It was the kicks, crazy air action, gun fights and overall intensity that made it so enjoyable. Maybe that was why I'd gone to so many martial arts classes when I was younger, learning to defend myself from the assholes who thought hitting girls was cool. Last I heard, one of them got caught and was charged with child rape and drug usage. Idiot. Serves him right though.

What I'm mostly trying to get at is why Yasmin has yet again come to lecture me on something that I didn't want to do. Her hands were rolling, face pleading and a sense of irritation rising with my blank expression and unwillingness to talk. She'd mentioned this once before, said that the producers would like if I attended but I never expected to be forced to go.

"What part of "I don't want to" do you not understand?" I snapped, crossing my arms and glaring at my manager.

"Stop being such a brat and just go! Maybe it'll help settle some of the rumors revolving around you," Yasmin tried again.

My eyes blazed at the mention of more rumors flying about, jaw clenching as she reminded me, "I wouldn't have more rumors if that fucking asshole of a boy bander didn't defend me! Now everyone is mushing our names together and saying they "ship us"! What the hell is shipping?"

I angrily tugged at my hair and turned my back on Yasmin, stomping down the hall and towards my hotel room. I could hear her heels clicking roughly on the tiled floor as she caught up with me and grasped my upper arm between her freshly manicured fingers. Instantly I tugged away with my arm swinging towards her at the physical contact and forcive gesture. My hand narrowly missed her cheek, her eyes wide and ablaze with her fingers tightening on my arm and puncturing my skin through my jacket.

"Let me go," I hissed.

"Only if you go to that movie premiere tonight," She said sternly, her jaw swinging back and forth like it did when she was angry.

"I already told you!" I exclaimed, attempting to move my arm but failing, "I'm not going! Get that through your thick head!"

"I don't care, you're going even if I have to drag you by your toes," She spat, shoving me towards my door, "You've got to get out more and get good publicity. Befriending these boys will do that for you on a major scale!"

"Yasmin!" I yelled, "I don't want to be friends with someone who the world thinks I'm holding a secret relationship with!"

"Get changed," She ordered, pointing towards the door with a glare.

For a full minute I stood staring at her in an almost challenging way before sticking up my middle finger, "Fuck you."

"I'll be back in an hour and a half. If you're not ready there will be consequences," Her voice had turned into her work tone, authoritative and strict. I scowled at the woman, marching into my room and slamming the door in her face before she got the chance to lecture me some more. 

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