XV. Cinnamon

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Tessa Kade

Chapter 15: Cinnamon 

It only took four days for me to want to hit the road again. Four measly days of my younger brothers play fighting in front of the TV, my mom nagging me about rumors, and Isabella ignoring me. This supposed vacation was turning out to be more of a nightmare than a wonderful time away from the bright camera's and never ending gossip. The best part of it all being that nearly every single person that I used to know was too busy to hang out or simply didn't want to. Apparently everyone in this town can be a bitch.

"Tessa, really, feet off the coffee table," My mom groaned as she walked by. I glared at the back of her head as she walked away but every so slowly I dragged my socks clad feet from the glassy top.

From my position on the couch I had the perfect view of the kitchen to see if anything was being cooked and boy was it ever. Mom had mentioned that someone special had come up to visit but she refused to tell me who. Being the crazy OCD woman she is she had everyone, including me, cleaning up around the house from fluffing the pillows to scraping dust off the top of the TV. It was as if I was put under house arrest and assigned a boot camp.

Ethan and Cody hadn't done a damn thing except mess things up even more than they were before, successfully knocking over a lamp and a few pictures. They'd been playing on the x-box I'd gotten them last year nearly all day, only glancing up to ask when dinner would be ready. I fear for the future of America, especially with those two being a part of it all.

"I told you if you went in there you'd get killed," Ethan grinned, eyes never leaving the screen.

"Oh shut up, you're the idiot who got killed by a crawler," Cody fired back and shoved his elbow into Ethan's side.

"What the fuck? You just messed me up!" Ethan barked, his character's blood now splattered across the screen.

"Watch your mouth, Ethan Rider," My mom scolded from her view in the kitchen. I snickered along with Cody as Ethan gave mom the middle finger through the couch.

"She's going to catch you one day," I mumbled. The two turned to me in my slouched position on the single seater I was in, "and I hope I'm here to see it."

"I'm a pro at what I do, Tessa," Ethan rolled his eyes. He's gotten a lot cockier since the last time I've seen him, way more out spoken and bold with his choice of words. I still remember when he would yell at me for cursing under my breath. Perhaps he's taken the man of the house role to seriously to the point the power has gone to his head.

I sighed inwardly at the changes my family has gone through, body going ridged as I caught Isabella coming down the stairs. She had the puppy mom had bought her a few months ago twined in her arms like a baby. From what I'd heard, Isabella's only growing less and less interactive with everyone around her. 

I'm worried about how my leaving will effect her since I've seen what my absence has done already. It doesn't help that Allison, the oldest of us Kade kids, isn't around any more either which leaves Isabella completely on her own with only mom to help her out. Don't get me wrong I adore my mother in all ways but being the youngest with two rowdy older brothers doesn't scream I get the most attention.

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